Please pray for me . Sodium Butyrate warning ****HELP me with my labs****!

No nothing different unfortunately
I am derealized out of my mind currently. I ate beans daily for like 2 years and never had issues before but i can tell my body is processing things differently now. Idk what has caused this monumental spike. Idk how I’m.supposed to get enough calories to live. What an absolute fucking nightmare


Fun fact: Butyrate is what gives vomit the characteristic smell and taste. The smell and taste of vomit is basically the smell and taste of butyrate. Butyrate is also found in rotten meat and rotten eggs, except cadaverine and putrescine are more behind the associated tastes and smells there. These 2 aforementioned polyamines, cadaverine and putrescine are converted into spermine and spermidine, alleged to have strong impacts on gene expression.

PS: I’m not implying anyone should go eat vomit or rotten meat/eggs. Although I should not have to point this out, I would not put it past anyone.

By the way: I find it funny how this topic and your skin topic are basically your member stories, having many more replies than your main topic.

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Sodium butyrate nearly took me out and has so far been my worst crash which is saying something. But yes regular butyrate is naturally produced in the body and i think its good for us.

I created these sperate topics as a warning to not fuck around with SB and to display the extent of the damage this disease has brought upon me.

I’d also recommend no one eat vomit


I have recently entered another level of hell with this disease. I’m just about done with this life. Could rattle off more symtoms. New symtoms. How much further down I’ve fallen. How my life has become nothing but trying not to crash and doing everything I can to not shake my broken ground. And how my body is failing me on every front. But what’s the point. It’s been useless. I’m just in hell. Don’t know how else to put it

Nearing the end of this journey. All it’s about now is how far do I sink and how much do I lose. Won’t be much more