Please Join Our Fundraising Group

We have a great group of sufferers, friends and family in a whats app group geared towards fundraising. We post screenshots of our donations on a monthly basis. It’s a really great initiative and it’s great for morale being in a proactive group who want to accelerate our efforts to understand this disease and ultimately fix it. Please consider joining us. There are no restrictions, all we ask is that you at least donate monthly, the amount is up to you.


This is it people.

We can expedite the road towards a cure, but we have to make it happen.

If you don’t see a reason for donating even a small amount, or whatever you can spare, to an organisation that is researching the very condition that is ruining your life, please reconsider.

Do not accept the miserable hand you’ve been dealt. Fight back. Join us and we will get the snowball running eventually. But it all starts with that small amount. That small effort from every patient in this community.

I will not be wasting any more years of my life to this fucking disease.


Well said Crembo.

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Please join. I know there are lurkers and others reading this. You can make a difference.


Please do it. We need you all ^


Yes, please join - already $10 a month can make a difference in the long term if a lot of people contribute :slight_smile: