Please help! Vertigo, head pressure, and seizure-like episodes

Guys, I don’t know what’s happening but now I’m even more scared.

A couple days ago, my dizziness became more intense and turned into actual vertigo. The vertigo is worse when I lie down. And it is the worst when I wake up in the morning.

Today I woke up, and as I was lying in bed, I began to have multiple episodes of full-on vertigo attacks. My head spinning, my eyes darting uncontrollably, losing all sense of balance and direction. I was in a roller coaster ride except I was just lying in bed.

Then these attacks became worse.

It wasn’t just vertigo anymore. They transformed into SEIZURE-type episodes. These attacks were now accompanied by INTENSE head pressure, unlike anything I’ve ever felt. My brain felt like it was going to explode from the inside. My entire body froze. My breathing became so restricted I was hyperventilating and gasping for breath like I was having an asthma attack. My heart rate jumped.

I seriously thought I was going to die today. It felt like it was vertigo, asthma, heart attack, and seizure ALL at the same time.

What is happening to me? I am terrified right now. I fear that I may have done permanent irreversible damage to my brain and nervous system.

I had a similar episode when I tried coming off both Prozac and clonazepam last year. I ended up taking clonazepam which calmed the episode down and slept for most of the day and it didn’t happen again after. I’m sorry but that’s all I have to offer. Benzodiazepine brings their own problems if you’re on them too long but it might be worth exploring if these episodes are anxiety related

Okay, seriously, I get that there is a general distrust towards doctors etc. here, BUT GO TO A DOCTOR. You have no way of knowing if whatever you took (saw, fin whatever) is causing your current problems. PFS doesn’t make you immune to other health issues. I strongly suggest going to a doctor, if only to rule out all the serious stuff and make sure it’s the meds that fucked you up.