I am going to a second urologist tomorrow who specilizes in impotence Dr. David Dangerfield baysideurology.com.au/
Mr David Dangerfield
Mr David Dangerfield, MB., BS(Qld), FRACS(Urol)
Areas of Specialty
Prostate cancer
Kidney stone management
Uro-oncolgy inc. kidney,bladder &testicular cancer
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
Voiding dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction
As the first Urologist looked at me as if I was insane.
So any polite way , of convincing a doctor that a pill which is listed to subside and not in my system caused this problem?
Penis looks so unhealthy (Sorry to be to detailed) Though i’m starting to get very concerned and it’s mentally affecting me.
Every Doctor is not understanding or willing to connect with me.
Please, please , please , please can someone shed my light.
The more information I get the more I can help you guys in getting a result. Let’s work together!!
Propecia shiz
(Day 18 off propecia)
Symptoms remaining
Dry Skin
Unhealthy penis
No circulation
Erectile Dysfunction