Please help me! Dutasteride about to destroy my life

hello, I took finasteride for 7 months with no side effects, then switched to avodart to get better results.
I started to get low libdo first couple of days but by day 6 got erectile dysfunction and really low libdo,
I freaked out, Started to search for ways to quit the drug without crushing my system, found it better to tapper off the drug slowly than quitting the cold turky,
so I switched to finasteride instead cus it’s lower dose, first day of switching got really bad depression and anxiety, today is day 3 taking finasteride, my depression is a lot better now, as well as my erections slightly improved, but I feel like finasteride killed me libdo, I don’t enjoy porn or even think about it anymore
I don’t care about my hair anymore, All I want is to recover
If you were me what will you suggest me to do? should I quit cold turky instead cus im feeling my libdo is like 0 after switching to finasteride
Please anyone help me, I really need help, what you advice me to do?
I’m really afraid to end up with permanent side effects like this. Also is it sign of pfs? to tapper off slowly and sides get worst?

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How long have you been off fin? You might still recover if you haven’t been off it long.

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I took it for 7 months didn’t get side effects, then switched to avodart (Dutasteride) for 6 days got sexual side effects (erectile dysfuction, Really low libdo), So switched to finasteride again trying to quit the drug slowly. I’m afraid because I got severe depression for the first time of my life, anxiety and low libdo.
today is day 3 of taking finasteride my depression improved and anxiety not as before but my libdo is like 0
I really wanna quit this drug

Dude you’re still on the drug? WTF quit now. That drug ruined my fucking life. If you know what’s best for you you’ll quit and hopefully get better.

Hair is not worth PFS risk even if it’s 1 in a billion (which it’s not it’s far less so GTFO that poison)

I really wanna quit but i’m trying to quit by lowering the dose first, because quitting from 0 dht to100 dht can crush your system, so i’m trying to lower the dose before quitting for more safety.
do you suggest to quit it cold turkey instead?

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No no no. Cold turkey now. Please.

Lowering dosages doesn’t work. Even if you come off cold turkey fin takes 7 days to leave your system, 14 for DHT to return to normal.

Heed my advice. My case of PFS was similar to yours. I took accutane and that’s a 5ar inhibitor was fine then started fin all hell broke loose 0 libido. It got better temporarily after quitting then I ended up with permanent PFS.

You need to quit or you could be sealing your fate.

why does lowering the dose doesn’t work? I want to quit it, but afraid after 2 weeks of quitting to end up with pfs

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Tapering and staying on increases your chance of having permanent pfs more…

No point in tapering down, look into the flat rate drug response of fin. .25mg, 1mg or 5mg are practically identical in strength.

alright I’m gonna quit, I hope things will get any better

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This forum is here for you if you don’t man

Hopefully you will though, good luck

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thanks for your help man, really appreciate it

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Yeah there’s really no scientific evidence showing tapering does anything. Plus the strength of the drug seems to be just as powerful even if the dose is smaller.

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