Please help me about brainfog.

Writing ahead, I am a South Korean. So, please understand me about my English ablity. Thank you.

I have brainfog. My symptoms are always fog on a head and I am dazed all day.This is different from regular headaches.

I am not concentrated abou all work beacuse of fog on ahead.

And helpless and tired. If these symptoms, how long does? on 1moth? 2months? 3months? It is 5weeks for me to stop propecia. But, I have still Brainfog.

How long the Brainfog disappear?

please help me.

When did you quit propecia?

I am writer this . I quit popecia 5 weeks ago

You are only 5 Weeks off, it may disappear. For me i am 3 and half years off and it is as thick as ever, you will learn to live with it, thats all you can do if it goes on for an extended period of time.

I’ve also have had brain fog for 2-3 years. I have found lifting weights helps clear my head up a little bit.

Things I have found that make brain fog worse: eating candy or other sweets, and taking hot showers.

Change your diet. Try Paleo diet