Please god no...

I am now 3 days off of propecia and my erection is not as hard as it was before, and it is hard for me to get an erection. I just wanted to ask you guys, is there any possibility i will recover from this naturally?

I was on propecia for 1 week and was feeling side effects from day 5, i went off and went back on just to make sure it was the medicine and it was. I just ask this a plee for advice…

Same questions as others before you. Get off the drug and stay off it, things can take time to reverse.


Don’t get scared. You have used it few days. I know that in certain case it may be enough, but it’s not the rule. I was having problems like yours, but I went on and off for two years before I quitted completely without recovering. In the previous cases, it has always took a month before complete recovery. So, wait and be faithful. And throw finasteride out of the window.

chances are you will be okay, honestly, that’s not a long time. However it may be worth taking zin piccolinate (between 50 and 100 mg) once a nightly before you go to sleep, to help normalize any change in testosterone levels.

ok thank you so much guys for making me feel a little better. So you think i can recover fully from lack of sensitivity in my penis?

It’s likely that you will. Take good care of yourself, get enough sleep, and eat healthy.