Pitch The Good Men Project

The Good Men Project is a highly trafficked men’s magazine (over 300,000 pageviews/week). They run blog posts about various men’s issues. The most-read posts usually deal with sex in some way. I think it would be a great idea if someone would pitch them about what it’s like for a man to lose (or greatly diminish) his sex drive. It would obviously center around the after-effects of Propecia. The GMP tends to get picked up by even bigger blogs, so a compelling first-hand account could go viral fast.

The website accepts posts from both published and new writers. What they really want is honest, plain-spoken stories. And since Propecia affected our identities, I think it would be great way to spread the word with an in-depth testimonial, as opposed to just a recitation of side-effects.

Submit your story here:http://goodmenproject.submishmash.com/submit
You can also email the site’s editor, Justin Cascio, at likethewatch@gmail.com

Will do, thanks TXO