Physical state Worsening

Hello haven’t posted an update in awhile…But all my physical symptoms are getting worse, weight gain, Shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, tooth pain and chipping, headaches, dry skin and hair etc…

It’s really gotten a lot worse with new symptoms like the tooth pain and chipping my teeth in the front have gotten a very glossy, smooth glass like appearance now…

Also numbness on my upper right thigh area…it burns and tingles especially at night while lying down but is always numb but not a like asleep numb but like it’s been injected with a numbing agent, terrible migraine like headaches continue can’t take heat or working outside at all now not enough breath left to walk up a staircase at work…

Mental sides are not has bad now…


weight gain here too.
i just can’t loss fat.

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I’ve gained over 100lbs now can’t walk good when I get home at night from work…in the mornings I can do better but am suffering horribly…its not normal fat like gain from eating.

Joints, teeth ache…no way I could work a normal job you just slowly keep getting worse…


All my shit is ruined…


@holyhead I was the same a few years ago and basically cut out so many problem foods IE 5ar and estrogen. Even though my intake remains roughly the same I’ve gone in the other direction and I’m now amaciated thin limbs, neck, no shape, glass like bones, teeth, masculinity gone, dramatic ageing etc. Some of us continue to deteriate as a results of long term androgen deprivation. hrt doesn’t work because of the receptor issue. In my opinion we need something to reactivate them.


How come you stopped that protocol?

Yep…I’ve tried it all…About all I can do is lay down in the bed at night and cry…I’m paralyzed almost…My mother has had to hire a lawn service I just can’t do it anymore…

I took generic finasteride in 2014 and it destroyed my hair made it a lot worse…Then switched to propecia later that year and had to stop the side effects were brutal…Then this shit started and has down nothing but got worse been dealing with it for over 6 years…

Imo it’s brain based…If finasteride didn’t cross the blood brain barrier you wouldn’t have any of these issues…I suspect that in “most” individuals it simply doesn’t cross…The problem comes when it enters the central nervous system…


It seems that in my case the condition gradually came on, worsened and now it’s like all the boughts of rage and anger are over with and this is the “end result”…Left physically disabled and its just sort of stagnant now in almost like almost altered state of being with no way to go back…


@holyhead I draw lots of similarities to your story. . I was full of rage and anger and would verbally explode which has mostly discipated these last few years .to be replaced with the state you describe.
I maybe wrong but those that end up in this state seem to have repeated the use of fin or such realeted .drugs.
There was a recently released study paper which confirmd such actions cause a worsening of the condition which is why I think some of us don’t improve or get worse. However no one knows for sure we could turn the corner one day. It could be possible that it takes longer the harder you’re hit.

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All this because androgen receptors keep increasing in our brain?

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I can relate to this I was filled with anger at first too. I feel like such a slob as my physical symptoms worsen very similar to holyhead. It’s so hard to get your mind off this stuff I feel for you guys.

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@Toughluck24 how are you after retaking fin in Jan 20 did it wiorsen your baseline, have any sides since dropped off? Your udate is appreciated Thanks

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only god knows what this hell fells like, i still have hope but i think im in same road . reading this just make me more depressed
i found this study
hope to find something that help

I kind of just went back to my pfs baseline after quitting the fin. I don’t recommend trying it to anyone because I fear that it just sets us back even farther. Most symptoms are pretty much the same since my initial crash 2 years ago now. My anxiety has improved marginally.

My sleep has gone through some changes initially It was impossible to sleep long hours. I can sleep long hours now but the sleep itself is still trash and I’m literally in bed 14-16 hours a day if not more. I’m always tired.

Physical symptoms feel like they are getting worse I guess like fat gain in weird spots but I don’t think I’m actually getting worse I think it’s just a symptom of long term androgen deprivation for some and it takes a long time for it to fully destroy your body. Like how hormones take a while to take effect when men transition to females for transgender folks. So like physically I might continue to decline because of pfs but the pfs itself inside my brain or body probably hasn’t gotten worse it’s just had more time to inflict damage.


I agree with your view @Toughluck24 on deprivation and damage taking a long time to fully pull through. There’s the sharp shock then gradual worsening as we lose more piece by piece I just hope it has to plateau at some point ie the body is able to function at a lower level.

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@Toughluck24 one thing that maybe of some help food plays a big part in making my symptoms worse. I find that many bring on fatigue as well as so much more. I cut out so much and don’t get fatigue as much. Does food have an effect you?

I don’t really notice much of anything to be honest.