Phlegm Production

Looking back through old posts, many complain of a lack of phlegm production. Based on my experience over the past couple of days, I’d say it’s not a lack of phlegm production but rather the inability of the body to expel phlegm. I’ve been on an recovery ‘upswing’ over this time period and I’ve been coughing up phlegm like crazy. Also have been sneezing up a storm. Pretty clear to me that this phlegm has been in my lungs for a while as it is much easier to breathe than it has been over the past few months. It wasn’t difficult to breathe before, but I can tell a difference, no doubt about it. Nose has also been very runny.

Anyone else have experience to this effect? Thoughts?

Same here

On the upswings I cough up phlegm and sneeze like it’a going out of style. Almost like I’m recovering from a cold

I have had difficulty breathin…Especially after lying down or sitting in a car…And then getting up or out I feel winded for a few moments…But no signs of recovery…Still fat and swollen and weight continues upward…Been off 13 months.

I suspect its lack of phlegm production as opposed to phlegm not being to exit the body. In my experience, back when I used to be normal a long time ago, I would blow my nose when I was taking a shower and tons of phlegm would come out, but these days when I blow my nose when im taking a shower hardly any phlegm comes out.

Feeling better these days, not coincidentally sneezing up a fucking storm. I wonder what the explanation for this is? More phlegm and dry nose mucus seem to correspond with upswings as well.

Recovery peak, big step forward, coincided with quite a bit of phlegm production, blowing nose several times per day with a lot coming out. Preceded by a sneezing fit over the course of two days.