
Well, I received my stash of phenibut last week and have been experimenting with this drug for a couple days. I have the powdered form and last night I took a whole teaspoon full, which is about 2.4grams worth. Well, I slept like a rock and today when I woke up, I had this weird urge to listen to music. So I hit my itunes up on my computer and when the music came on, it over took me, like it used to! I danced around my room like an idiot for five straight minutes. It touched me, like it was supposed to. I was a huge music, fan but after fin, I was left hollow and lifeless. The music didn’t do what it used to. Today, it did. I’m not saying that I’m recovered, because I’m not. But there is something to this stuff. I have also noticed that since I have been taking it, I have had the urge to masturbate more and more. My erections are much better than they’ve been in the past. They’re strong, semi-sensitive and semi-full. Hey, it’s better then nothing. I would actually not be embarrassed to use it. That’s saying something. For the record, I’m still on my second cycle of quercetin and DIM.

Also, does anyone know what this stuff is actually made from? I know it’s a GABA derivative, but what is the raw material used to make it? I’ve contacted the supplier and they can’t seem to tell me, which I don’t like. Is it synthetic or natural or both? I’d like to know…

I’m pretty sure they make it themselves. Natural or not, I’m not particularly worried - it has a safe and effective use.

Glad you had a return of your emotional cognition (as opposed to bluntness). You’re gonna start to heal. It will take a few days, and some more withdrawl/good sleep, but you will likely get to where I got to.

Consider using this stuff a bit more sparingly than me, as I developed a tolerance to it within 2 weeks. I’m washing out for an entire week (hopefully that will be enough to get it to be as effective) just to resume my recovery.

Congratulations! I wish you more of the same.

Yes, but make it from what?? No one can seem to tell me. I guess I am going to have to be a pest and find out. After this fin experience, I take nothing for face value any more. You shouldn’t either.

Yeah, I’m going to. So far I’ve used it three days on and then three off. And then one day on and one day off. I’m going to make sure that I match my days on with days off. Even doing this and it still seems to build up tolerance quickly. We may have to have more days off then days on. Let me know how it goes…

Oh, btw, how has your erection quality and libido been?

Over the recovery period my erectile ability improved. It’s gradual: first you get girth back, then strength. Your balls also need to not be sagged.

About usage… I would say that when you get a deep, deep sleep, go as long as you can, and then some, sleeping without it. Also, if you fail to get a deep sleep once using a liberal dosage, don’t use it the next night - the Phenibut is supposed to have an effect, and when it doesn’t, it means that you need to clean out. That’s at least how I will approach it.

Any news on you taking this stuff?

any recovering?

Unfortunately, for me anyway, this stuff is not the magic bullet we have all been looking for. When I first tried it, I saw an improvement of maybe 25%, but the body builds up a tolerance to it so fast that it quickly becomes useless for me. I noticed some things were dramatically improved like the way I responded to music. When I was watching American Idol, for example, I was moved inside in a way I have not experienced in years. Sexually, though, I didn’t really see the improvement I was looking for.

I’ve always considered Phenibut as my last resort for improving sleep. Experiments with GHB, Gabapentin, Valium, Remeron, and L-Theanine have helped but not to the point of restoring my sleep. Phosphatidylserine (seriphos) helped quell my high cortisol levels which was the biggest help by far for improving sleep.

I was reading an article that stated that toxic proteins (the type found in Alzheimers patients) can build up in the brain of those who are sleep deprived as the brain is unable to repair itself and flush out toxins without that deep restorative sleep. The result is that the build up makes sleep quality deterioate even further.

“Sleep is helping wash away toxic proteins at night, preventing them from building up and from potentially destroying brain cells,” Walker said. “It’s providing a power cleanse for the brain.”

“The more beta-amyloid you have in certain parts of your brain, the less deep sleep you get and, consequently, the worse your memory,” Walker said. “Additionally, the less deep sleep you have, the less effective you are at clearing out this bad protein. It’s a vicious cycle.” *

A vicious cycle that needs to be broken. I am already on a ketogenic diet for the brain benefits and I am looking to add some of Dave Asprey’s Gabawave supplement (which is Phenibut) a couple of nights a week to help get some deep sleep. I am hoping the ketogenic diet, which is extremely therapeutic and healing to the brain, will help lessen the side effects of phenibut, but I don’t plan on abusing it.

I am hoping the deep sleep from phenibut plus the ketogenic diet will help break this vicious cycle. It’s an experiment that I am happy to carry out and I will report back on the results.