Phenibut experiment

Have been using phenibut for the most part daily the last couple months at varying dosages and it didn’t help me with sleep at all. Not even in the beginning. It was fantastic for my mood and at times I almost felt like my old self again.Crazy how fast the tolerance builds and I got totally carried away towards the end averaging about 15 grams a day… so I had to get off the merry go round. Currently in withdrawn from it which is pretty nasty especially the insomnia part(which is bad for people even who don’t have bad pfs) What a mess! Hopefully i’ll sleep a bit tonight. Not a wink last night

What withdrawal issues are you having?

basically a lot of nervousness, increasing depression,the insomnia has been the worst effect by far as I already have that really bad from pfs. Got about 4 hours of super awful shit sleep last night. Feel crappy today but I think the worst with drawl effects are behind me. Today is day 7. Also I’d like to add that I was taking a ridiculously high dose. Although people on far lower doses have also reported similar withdrawal experiences. Most of them are over the fence by day 7 though.

There are a lot of Phenibut withdrawal threads around various sites and forums. Be careful with this stuff. The withdrawal is widely described as very fucked up.

Good to know. It seems like everything I have tried to help improve sleep duration and quality has failed. Then caused a withdrawal issue as well. My fog was so bad Friday I forgot to take my sleep aid. I slept without it. Found the pill on the counter the next day. I did not feel any better or worse so I decided to stop taking it (ambian). This is day 4. I was hoping some of my foggy spacey feelings would clear up. So far they have not improved.

Yeah agreed. A lot of the solution’s end up being worse then the problem itself. I was getting a solid 5-6 hours of crappy sleep after my first phenibut marathon ended…not great but atleast passable. Hopefully I’ll return to that after this withdraw period is over. But yea Like I said phenibut was great for mood but did nothing for sleep…if anything when taking phenibut you never want to sleep! At least I didn’t. Ambien doesn’t even touch me. If anything it just makes me jittery for a couple hours and then the next day anxous and depressed. Gonna stick with Taurine and melatonin for now

Gelhead it def is fucked up! It’s not pleasant or a day at the picnic that’s for sure. Or the park!!! and i was taking wayyy too much

and i’d also like too add that this is my third phenibut withdrawal during the course of the summer and def the worst. The duration used def dictates how bad the withdrawal is going to be not so much as the quantity. It was fun to escape reality a bit and feel somewhat normal again but using that stuff long term does much more harm then good. Hard on the kidneys too.