Pharmaceutical Industry and Corruption

I’d highly recommend that those afflicted by PFS and have been struggling over the years to give this a watch it will change your entire perception on the pharmaceutical industry which is nothing more than a modern day criminal enterprise.


Yes and you know who the biggest lobbiest are in Washington? I thought it would be the financial sector but nope, it’s the pharma industry.

FDA is just as corrupt btw, it’s the complete pharma complex. So many scandals: oxycotin, Vioxx,……not-be-trusted

The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean.

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