Hello, I’m new here. I am 32 years old and I write from Italy.
I have often read the forum and have decided to register. For me PFS and PSSD are not similar diseases. I’ll explain my point.
I have had male pattern baldness since the age of 18. I have recovered most of my hair thanks to minoxidil. I have never taken propecia. I didn’t lose a single hair thanks to minoxidil and my hair was enviable.
When I started taking ssri, I had PSSD. My PSSD is only about the erectile dysfunction aspect. I can’t get erection even with cialis and viagra. I have been struggling with PSSD for 6 years.
The point is that PSSD also accelerated my baldness, as if my DHT, as a result of taking SSRIs, was increased, unlike propecia, which lowers DHT, what do you think?
I have had hormone tests and my free testosterone is in the low limit. I have also been diagnosed with hashimoto hypothyroidism (which I am treating, but it does not resolve my erectile dysfunction and hair loss symptoms). Sure hashimoto also contributed to hair loss and erectile dysfunction, but SSRIs accelerated my baldness, so for me PSSD is a lot.