PFS vs. PSSD cause

I have PSSD and the main theory I hear is SERT downregulation / 5HT1A (serotonin) receptor desensitization, however I’ve been reading a bit about PFS and apparently the cause seems to be androgen receptor issues, right?

What confuses me is that this two conditions are very similar but they seem to be because of different rector issues. Or could it be that PSSD people also have androgen receptor issues and PFS people also have 5HTP1A rector issues as well? this is all too complex but I’m trying to understand

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Have you read this? It’s long and challenging but ultimately the most efficient path to good understanding imho:

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on Reddit and the pssd board they almost only complain about sexual issues.
They don’t seem to present physical and mental on same incidence.
Or i have a wrong picture?

definitely a wrong picture, many people if not most with PSSD have horrible anhedonia, cognitive dysfunction as well as some fatigue and other issues. However I also notice most people in Reddit talk more about the sexual aspect


Sexual seems to be the one that improves the least and therefore might be the one most common.

yes, I used to think sexual stuff in PSSD was mainly because of 5ht1A desensitization but maybe androgen receptors also play a big role given how similar the sexual symptoms are

I’ve been thinking that it doesn’t make much sense for androgen receptors to be the main issue cause many females also have pssd, I’m confused

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Women have the same receptors same as men, they just have different sex hormone levels.

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I think in someway i had before finasteride, PSSD too.
I always suffered from genital anesthesia even when i got off from SSRI, although i had good libido abd no other stmptoms. Just genital anesthesia.
Then i took finasteride and i completed the full pack. (i have OCD).

That reddit sub is really raising quickly i see. Is rapidly accunulating users.

One can focus on many arbitrary things and show how many fingers it has in many pots (parts of the brain, psychology and/or sexuality) and obsess about it, like it’s the one big thing. Androgen receptors are kind of the fetish here (which will be knocked home again and again), although it’s straightforwardly not true that any numbness, anhedonia or whatever “equals Androgen receptor problems”.
Anyway, just a little sidenote, it’s not worth it trying to turn it all around, fight or whatever. Just look into things and gather things that make sense to you or might work.

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Is normal to experience fearful thoughts, extreme anxiety and feeling to get mad while on PSSD?
Are these common symptoms?

yes anxiety, ocd like symptoms, social anxiety, reduces social skills, severe anhedonia, rage, irritability are all common some people with in PSSD

how do you distinguish between the mental disease itself?

I don’t believe in the term “mental illness” and all of that stuff. Anxiety depression etc are just reactions to shitty situations. But if you’re wondering if the psychological symptoms people with PSSD experience are because of other factors or not, well I believe they are because of the condition (PSSD) not something else as for example the anhedonia feels chemical and many never had anhedonia or social anxiety/ autism like symptoms before PSSD. It’s completely iatrogenic.