Pfs trigger autoimmune disease?

All of us have sign of autoimmune disease: gut problem_skin problems…
What do you think?
Please talk to me and tell me your thoughts
1 mounth ago i went to doctor for my skin and he said that i have psoriasis

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When I restarted finasteride after couple years break I got alopecia areata patches all over my head

A couple of years ago I regrettably took Tribulus which unbeknown to me contains beta sitosterol a DHT blocker

This sent my immune system crazy
Alopecia patches developed on my beard, immune system attacked muscle on right arm and now if I try take anything which increases androgens like vitamin D or Boron I get widespread inflammation all round my body

I also never get sick anymore, like clockwork every October I would get bad flu and occasionally a second time later in the year, now never

Blocking DHT messes with our hormones causing knock on effect to other hormones and our immune system imo

I think many of us have a dodgy immune system

I have wanted to try low dose naltrexone but fear it will stimulate my immune system and make me worse


The main issue which made my experience so hellish is the autoimmune components that I probably had before but after getting this condition it got so out of control with my body attacking itself that it just scorched earth all of my receptor systems without discrimination. At the 1 year mark for me or just about there (can’t remember exactly this month I had my first dose of saw palmetto but close enough). Can autoimmiunity also switch targets in the body in real time? That would also make a lot in my up’s and downs with this make more sense.

I also react very strangely to vitamin D now in any amount. I almost crashed experimenting with it but by some miracle I came out fine. I’ve also in my experiments with it experienced my most intense window followed by a confusing mixture of things that were better and things that were worse. All forms of it also caused instant genital shrinkage and I respond the best to the vegan D3 version. I may try again at a single drop (200 iu) but right now it’s just not a good idea. Every time I’ve broken the barrier and felt more energy it’s like my immune system will hit me right back with neurological chaos.

I also can’t get more sick than nasal drip, a light cough now and then, or a sneeze. In fact I’m perpetually experiencing rotating flu like symptoms as per my circadian rhythm, the morning is usually the worst for them but I experience the most fatigue from 2-3 PM and I always feel the best from 5 PM forward. I ironically have the most cognitive energy very late at night but it’s different than my physical energy.

Anything that really stimulates me through the immune system or a closely related hormonal mechanism gets me the best results but also the most dangerous. It’s both the key in my case I found and what can also destroy me and I don’t really know how to approach it. Glucarolactone and Inosine gave me the same energy back but tank my sexual functioning temporarily whenever there is a bettering of the cognitive issues and it’s always fought back with an explosion of neuropathy all over my body. They only thing that didn’t do the neuropathy kick back is when I decided to out of curiosity and desperation at an entire package of asparagus, same result with I guess the plant steroid compounds in higher volumes. Sexual functioning and reactivity dies but gain sharp cognitive focus and all of my strength back. No neuropathy kickback from that though like the glucarolactone or inosine. Maybe if I eat a small amount of asparagus every day, increasing by one piece to the whole package by the day, and going just as slowly back down I might be able to fix the system without going into shock, but that’s the only way I can think of at the moment.

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Interesting. I also react badly to Vitamin D. I don’t think it matters whether its D2 or D3. I had a horrible second crash, which made everything much worse, after experimenting with taking a few high dose vitamin d pills over a year ago. I’ve considered maybe trying a tiny dose to see if I react, perhaps after first seeing if I’m actually deficient in it, but have held off on that for the time doing.

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Well the reactions are all weird but they differ from form to form. Be careful as just a single drop is enough for me to react too, may not be something to try unless you are in a much more recovered state. IT sucks because the good effects of D3 were amazing. My anxiety was far less, 0 sensory issues, much clearer head and senses, but the heavy feeling and consistent weird reactions down there to every dose was unbearable and could have gotten dangerous fast. Also felt weirdly on the edge of a migraine all the time that never quite happened with it.

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I think you’re one of the most similiar cases to mine. While i didn’t take fin i took a combination of sulfuraphan with methylated b-vitamins and since then i have pfs insomnia but even before something wasn’t right and i overreacted to specific substances especially hormones like vit-d. Since a “doctor” tried to treat my insomnia with insulin i have severe diabetes symptoms as reaction to the insulin. I also overreact to thyroid hormones and melatonin. Doctors are completely useless but my most plausible theory is that the immune system attacks those exogenous hormones, maybe either causing antibodies to work as agonists on the receptors, change the receptor sensitivity or the hormone metabolism or attacks body tissues that have similar structures to some hormones.

Last time i was sick was 12 years ago when i was a teenager. I also feel better the day after drinking alcohol. Even if i drink a whole bottle of wodka after which i’m usually lightly drunk. I think those 2 things are one of the most important informations since people with stuff like cfs fall sick often and usually dont tolerate alcohol.