PFS Studies

What are the 1) best case and 2) realistic outcomes of the studies?

It’s easy to say 1) cure, but what I mean is, based on what the researchers are looking for, what outcomes can we reasonably anticipate?

I think the most important thing to come out of the studies is that they will prove beyond any doubt that PFS is real.

Once this happens it will be a PR disaster for merck.

At that point some of us doesnt care about merck and proving pfs or money, we need cure. If the research goals is proving pfs without cure it would be meaningless.

If you read about the studies, they are about finding out exactly what causes PFS - i.e. why are our bodies reacting the way they way they are - which will lead the way to effective treaments/cure(s). At present we need more information to develop treatments because we dont’ know enough about PFS (which is why its easy for doctors to dismiss us as a bunch of internet hypercondriacs).

So basically the studies are esential: hope you (and others reading this) are doing everything possible to take part.

after researchs ended they only reveal the damages but we also need cure and cure is more difficult even they didnt see the root cause it is more easy to reveal in body the research countinue to a cure our only hope is this

One hundred percent first step is proving beyond a reasonable doubt this condition is real. Once that’s done the doctors who are not currently not even trying to treat this (99.9 percent of them) will now be at least trying.

And not for a second do I believe that the reasoning behind why most doctors currently are just dismissing us is simply because they don’t believe us.

I’m not a conspiracy theory guy usually but I get the “vibe” that some doctors believe us but prefer to dismiss us simply because they want merk continuing to be able to make this drug. After all we are just a “small percentage” of people who have abnormal reactions to DHT inhibiters. Why stop the production and distribution of a wonder drug that cures BPH and hair loss over a “small percentage”.

I also believe that doctors get paid by merk to “help keep the drug around”.

The last endocrinologist I seen I called them out on this straight out. He told me you can’t come in here acting like you know what 5 alpha reductase inhibiters are and how to measure 5 alpha reductase activity because most endo’s don’t even know the answers to these questions. I responded by saying ok well at least I’m trying, so not only do you make it clear you don’t like my ideas but you are not even trying to come up with your own or trying to do anything about my symptoms. He kicked me out of his office.

I was not nasty or rude At all but he kicked me out. Why would pushing him to believe this is real make him that mad? Think about it…

I agree, i have also had very bad experience with doctors related to post-finasterdie-syndrome.

Basically, Doctors think I am some kind of freak. They look at me arrogantly and dont respond. Thats what annoys me the most. They dont give feedback. Its like talking to a wall or something… They are not interested at all… They dont even say encouraging words like, I hope you get better. Probably because they think, Im a mental case, and they dont want to feed my insanity, by reassuring me.

It’s a combination of that and they don’t want to say anything that helps make PFS “real” simply because they have a vested interest in not wanting it to be real.

I think is uncomprehendible… You cant see what you dont know kind of thing… Like speaking chinese to an englishmen. It goes under the radar

post finasteride?? what?? - yeah ok please leave now

I’m no doctor, so everything here is just speculative. I’m nervous that if the Ice Bucket Challenge didn’t discover the cure for ALS in the past 12 months, where exactly does that leave us? I’d like to be optimistic that the studies reveal a magical piece of the medical abnomality, and they might, and this could allow some clever doctors to enter the PFS arena, think outside of the box and maybe improve current therapies. But all they are really trying to do is establish this as a legit condition at this point. Really, despite my unprovoked anxiety, insomnia and broken pecker, nobody has established PFS as a measurable objective medical condition yet. The Italians aren’t going to start mixing test tubes after their study to see if they can find the magic potion to cure this. If you’re reading this post, I’m sure you’ve read thousands of others regarding the theories as to why our systems shut down like they did, but even if they pinpoint exact enzymes or neurosteroid levels that could be altered for symptom relief, these are super hard medical fixes in and of themselves, regardless of the molecular interplays of all this, so everyone has to be super patient for advances in medicine to help us.


The company that should be assisting Baylor and Harvard(BWH) is MERCK. They should seriously get involved and see why some people suffer from PFS. The scientists at MERCK are the one who created the drug, correct? It’s truly disgusting to see the many suicides there has been due to PFS. Very very very sad. This a true wake up call for the people contemplating vanity over life. One shouldn’t care about other opinions, especially when it comes to vanity.

I can relate to the many sufferers on this board. I have been dealing with this BS since 20 years old. I am now 33 years old. Honestly, I haven’t been truly happy since 19 years old. I still pound away at life, suicide is not an option. Depression, ED, etc… etc… you name it, I got it from this drug. I was only on it for 2 months. If I haven’t taken this drug, I probably would be happily married by now with a few kids, and probably near retirement.

To the long term sufferers out there, do not give up hope. Yes, it is very hard for family and friends to understand this BS. I have made some very good choices and some bad ones in life. This is one of my bad ones.

Anyways, to begin feeling a bit better, try to do the following: believe in god, make money, eat right, take vitamins, and WORK OUT. Here are some vitamins/supplement below that you should be taking:

CO Q 10
Vitamin A & Vitamin D
Vitamin C
B 100 Complex
Melatonin (1.5-3mg at night for sleep)
Low Dose Cialis(if you can afford it)

Lets see who can find a fix to PFS first, (BWH) Harvard or Baylor Institute?

Mew, thank you for keeping this board running. I wish this board was available back in fall 2002. If so, I wouldn’t of taken this POS drug and rob me of my 20’s and early 30’s thus far. KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
