PFS & Small Fiber Neuropathy

Doctors don’t have a clue sorry. They are useless.

The truth is I will lose the only thing I have left soon; my job. All because of this. I wish I could go back to before I took it.

Hope you could settle down soon so you will be able to work. I know it is hard, dunno how nad is you condition compared to mine but I have never stopped working even in my worse months, with joint pain, huge pain in my legs, like I have a flu and acid in my muscles. I know it is not easy, but you might have to push yourself to work, thats what I am doing now. The good thing is I got good job now, before I was working as a Chef, was doing 15 hours shifts, barely walking, what a nightmare!


Unfortunately I work in Adult Social Care and my job is now too demanding with the pain and chronic fatigue. I can’t look after myself let alone others.


I know man, it is really hard, life is not easy anymore like it used to be! Hope you will get better and not lose your job!

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Yah, still got some nerve issues, but it’s mostly recovered.

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Evidence of small-fiber neuropathy (SFN) in two patients with unexplained genital sensory loss and sensory urinary cystopathy. 2017

In both men, microscopic examination of PGP9.5-immunolabeled thick sections from a standard 3 mm punch skin biopsy to a depth of 2 mm (Fig. 1) from the distal leg (10 cm above the lateral malleolus) showed 148 and 117 neurites/mm2, corresponding to the 2nd and <1st percentile of expected values for individuals matched by age, sex and race for Case 1 and Case 2 respectively. Case 1 additionally had punch skin biopsy of the thigh (20 cm distal to the anterior superior iliac spine), which showed 68 neurites/mm2, for which there is no available normative data, though clearly abnormal as it is shows less epidermal nerve-fiber density than the distal leg, thus supporting the diagnosis of a non-length dependent small-fiber neuropathy.

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sorry if I’m not very able to find information on the forum.
I would like to know: what tests have they done with those with PFS who have seen peripheral neuropathy (especially genital)?
did anyone have a skin biopsy in particular? in some studies, has a skin biopsy been performed on multiple patients with PFS?
which study reports the reference data used for comparison?



I lost my job.

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Sorry to hear that man!

“I believe in this department i was one of the most severe cases reported” - But i prevailed :slight_smile: feelsgd. Nerves don’t die by taking Fin… My autonomic, motor and sensory nerves were fried, but gradually and extremely slowly recovered day by day, it’s been 10 months since i took finasteride, and they’re nearly back to normal, apart from fingers/toes twitching involuntarily sometimes. I can’t tell you what exactly has helped me, i get a slight relapse by consuming anything with gluten though - I had this extremely odd buzzing and pressure in my occipital lobe, which reminds me… After taking finasteride, that was the first place in my body that went numb, along with my genitals, then my prostate->body. During my recovery, my occipital lobe was always pressurized and the pressure made me feel like i had some sort of amnesia, i’d say i have 5-10% of that pressure still, but hey, every day is better, and i’ll take that anytime… I used to be like you guys, thinking finasteride could induce permanent ED, permanent brainfog, MS, but chill guys, finasteride is obviously a pretty fucked up medication, but it’s not irrevocable. Figure out your body, and what makes you feel better/worse, and don’t experiment with fucked up shit that could worsen the situation, we’re already consuming industrial/processed cancer everyday that we aren’t biologically adapt to.

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I wish they had found out what the cause of the neuropathy was in the two subjects of this paper.

Hello, I was just curious if you had made any headway in addressing your neuropathy or at least coming up with ideas on what else might be done. Thank you very much for sharing your story and creating valuable thread.

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Hi @anacleta. Just noticed your old post asking about tests for neuropathy in PFS patients.

There have been multiple diagnoses of pudendal nerve neuropathy by PFS patient’s doctors.

Also, a 2017 study of PFS patients reported abnormal somatosensory-evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve.

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It has given me very painful all body chronic SFN. Please tell me there is something I can do.

It’s been 2 years and I continue to decline, quickly.

Try B12 & acetyl l carnitine, i take these religiously every day for my nerves :slight_smile:


I think not your search for pfs but pfs itself cured it as it was the case with me.