PFS Sexual Dysfunction is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

I’m aware that this is covered in many other threads but it is important to confirm this as a cause for the sexual side effects and IMO deserves to be a sticky to inform new users exactly what is happening in this.

Whatever the cause of the dysfunction pudendal neuropathy, changes in the CNS or levels or neurotransmitters/hormones. I think we can all see that the dysfunction is neurological causing symptoms in the muscles in the pelvic floor. The motor and sensory functions have been impaired and obviously the cure should be aimed at fixing the neurological/muscular damage.

I think it would be wise to compile a list of tests that should be taken, things that can help improve the sexual problems and treatments available in the pipeline.

Although some of this has been exhausted already, most of it is hidden in various posts that are full of questions and assumptions. I know we don’t all agree on the pathology of the syndrome surely we can agree on this?

For example:
Treatment suggestions (management):
Dietary information
Supplements and reasons for taking them
Alternative therapies
Exercise - what works and what doesn’t work


These are just suggestions so feel free to comment/criticise, I personally have a feeling that exercise and diet could help a massive number of people on here. I wish I had started off with this instead of delaying it all for a year…I can see a couple of examples on this site that have seen improvements through diet, exercise and yoga. This is also the same for the ‘PSSD’ group on other forums.
