PFS related to ageing process?

I was low in b12 shortly after getting PFS. So obviously I increased it with sublingual b12 tablets in hopes that it would fix me. It had no impact on my condition for the better or worse in spite of follow up blood labs showing flagged high b12.

Other then this I have been taking B6 on and off for the last six months as a part of my serotonin protocol because B6 is a co factor involved in the biosynthesis of serotonin. B6 is a co factor for so many other things as well .

Prior to this I took b4 because b4 is a cofactor involved in the biosynthesis for dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. This was when I crashed into relapse PFS level onset insomnia at the end of December 2020.

So now as of today I’m trialing another dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine experiment. I’m taking phenylalanine and tyrosine with co factors b4 and B6 for dopamine, norepinephrine and Epinephrine synthesis. But this time solo without also doing the serotonin supplements and with out increasing glutamate. I hope I don’t fucking crash again . I’m scared haha . But if this is what it takes to pin point exactly which increase in what neurotransmitter causes me to get messed up then this is what it takes

So phenylalanine goes to tyrosine via the PHEH enzyme using B4 as a co factor

Tyrosine (which I’m also taking straight Tyrosine) goes to DOPA via the TYRH enzyme using B4 as a co factor

DOPA goes to dopamine via the AADC enzyme using vitamin B6 as a co factor.

Dopamine goes to norepinephrine via the DBH enzyme using vitamin C as a co factor .

Norepinephrine goes to Epinephrine via the PNMT enzyme using SAMe as a co factor

I don’t have enough balls to add SAMe in yet because I was also taking SAMe when I crashed into relapse PFS level onset insomnia back in December of 2020. I’m going to not mess around with SAMe.

So I hope I don’t stay up for 8 days again. I’m going to be taking 5000 MG’s of glycine as well as liberal doses of magnesium every day during this trial as a preventative measure to hopefully not fall into insomnia again. I also have 20 one MG Xanax tablets on standby just in case it happened’s again. Xanax was the only thing that helped me last time I was stuck in the overly excitatory state

I need to figure out if it’s dopamine, norepinephrine and Epinephrine thats messed up in me. This is the only way . Increase it and see what happened’s. But this time with out increasing other excitatory neurotransmitters at the same time

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Sorry to hear,@kill-fin. Have you tried taking bupropion since your crash?

@orthogs No…I am too scared to do anymore experiments on my body, mind and hormones. Do you think trying bupropion will help? Because I think its not bupropion but finasteride which is responsible for my current situation.

Got it.

Sorry it didn’t have any positive effect on your condition.

For what’s worth, I suspect neurotrasmitters play a part in PFS. Probably as a downstream effect but…well what the hell do I know.

Good luck with your new protocol though. Be careful.

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Due to limited conditions, I did not check the hormones in the cerebrospinal fluid.I had my plasma catecholamine and melatonin tested.It’s low in dopamine, low in adrenaline, and high in melatonin.But every time I tried buspirone, I lose sleep because of the excitement.Also, maybe because of the high melatonin, I’m very tired during the day

I suspect it’s the Finasteride. But don’t take my word for it as I can’t be certain.


Could you please post your plasma dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine levels along with the labs reference range that you used

Yea I don’t see how we could have CNS levels tested. I mean pulling this off would be great . I just don’t see it happening . It would be nice though if one of us who has had a ZRT urine neurotransmitter test recently could go get a CNS neurotransmitter test done . Just one guy accomplishing this would be very helpful because we could see how the one persons CNS levels match up to his urine neurotransmitter levels . And now we know how closely urine neurotransmitter levels match up with neurotransmitter levels in the CNS generally speaking

How many times have you taken buspirone? I see a talk of buspirone in other forums recently…

What’s it’s mechanism of action in terms of dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters?

Yea I completely agree
In fact it’s obvious to me based on my experience. I increase serotonin 6 different times and my constipation goes away every time and my sexual sides get worse. In my mind this means it’s neurotransmitters. We need tons more research going into this .

So far no positive or negative changes in my dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine trial. But it usually takes some time for amino acids to convert to neurotransmitters in the body . So I’m not out of the water yet

If I don’t make any progress with this trial I’m considering amino acid infusions consisting of a blend of all amino acids weekly

Last summer I did a NAD infusion that took 4 hours to empty the whole bag into my blood . That was probable more experimental then female abortion meds lmao. The NAD infusion had no positive or negative impact. I should have paid $700 for an amino acid blend infusion instead of the NAD infusion. The NAD infusion causes generalized discomfort and anxiety through out the entire body as it’s going through your blood . I was scared during that LOL. Most experimental thing ever

In this video, this doctor mentions a study that PFS cold be acceleration of aging in young men (13:00 in)

These things scare the shit out of me tbo.

That something can fix some of your symptoms but at the same time worsen others … doesn’t give me much optimism.

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It’s quite easy to explain though.

Serotonin in the brain doesn’t work like people think. We always hear serotonin is a way to feel happy and what not.

But it’s not true. Serotonin helps us cope with stressful events. But it’s doesn’t make us feel good as all.

Also higher serotonin is shown in animals with low social status, to let them cope. But low social status also means these animals won’t get to mate. So I strongly believe serotonin decrease their libido.

The “alpha” animal instead have low brain serotonin. But higher androgens, dopamine etc.

But in the gut serotonin helps with mobility. So basically if he increase gut serotonin it will help relieve his constipation. But if the brain serotonin concurrently raises it might impact sex drive and what not.



The difference between serotonin receptor 1A and 2A is interesting. Also from your article:

“Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that the body cannot make on its own. It is a biochemical precursor to serotonin, so it crosses the blood-brain barrier to become serotonin”

So I’m not just increasing gut serotonin levels. I’m also increasing serotonin in the brain with L-Tryptophan…

What’s not easy to explain is why I’m not regulating serotonin and dopamine correctly. So when my sexual function improves from decreasing serotonin and increasing dopamine my gut should not be shutting down . So this is not normal. Obviously…


Yes it’s not good . But I don’t think this automatically means a dopamine issue in the brain on the level that causes Parkinson’s . I mean of course that’s my concern but it does not automatically mean this . There needs to be research info PFS and dopamine levels/regulation in the brain as well as all other neurotransmitters in PFS. Like tons of research … unfortunately not enough people care about this . It would probably take something really horrible to happen to make enough people care. Not that I’m saying to do anything horrible or that I’m going to do anything horrible haha… but in my opinion that’s what it would probably take.

Well … I’m fairly confidente we’ll get somewhere if we keep pushing for research.

But I don’t think PFS will ever have its “big break” from a medical standpoint. Sooner than later they’ll come up with a better compound for hair loss and, well, that’ll be the end of it imo.

But if you think about antidepressant and PSSD… I mean, there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who are taking antidepressant, and these drug have been around far longer than Fina.

I mean, where are they at in terms of research? More people, possibly more awareness, and still…

Let’s hope you’ll be luckier.

I am absolutely convinced that behind this crap is the grail of anti-aging medicine. I aged and destroyed in a very short time and I am convinced that by taking finasteride there is a cascade of molecular changes that activate the aging pathways.

PD: You guys are already talking broscience shit in a thread about the relationship of aging and finasteride. Drop the setotonin already or open another post.

I haven’t aged by my appearance anyway

I’m 36 and I can pass for 29 . Especially if I pluck out the few grays I have

Increasing Serotonin evidenced in urine neurotransmitter tests cured my constipation so I’m not dropping it. For me I believe it’s neurotransmitters. Not generalized accelerated age

But if this is your thread I’ll stop posting in it

Good luck

Truly agree that it’s not about antidepressants as millions of people have used and have been using antidepressants from much before finasteride arrived in the market.
None of these antidepressants mess with someone’s sex life so miserably as this Finasteride. Even poison would have been better than this. No matter how hard I try I can’t get over this.

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That was not my point.

Anyway, PSSD can mess with your sex life as bad as Fin, and ever more so with your emotions.

The very few data that we have suggest that PSSD could possibly be worse than PSF.

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Real PFS: muscle wastage, facial changes, cognitive impariment. This is general aging.

Algo you will find a lot of troll with nothing in this forum.

Anyone else who has suffered low ejaculation volume (or no ejaculation) and if so what is it diagnosed as?
Is it retrograde ejaculation??? Or our body is now producing less (or no semen)?
As in my case right after my crash in 2015 during the 1st month I COULD NOT EJACULATE AT ALL. Later whenever I managed to ejacuate the volume was too little as compared to earlier (almost 4 times less) and there was only sperm and no semen.
I am afraid it could be retrograde ejaculation as it is irreversible. Also causes include ‘certain medications’
(Including those related to mood disorders)