Pfs recoveree sues merck for fin sleep dysfunction

Greetings and salutations! Being a fortunate/rare(?) PFS recoveree I occasionally post to perhaps cheer up/inspire other FIN/PFS victims.

I am posting today to inspire YOU to timely seek legal redress from Merck while you are enduring - and hopefully recovering from - traumatic FIN/PFS maladies.


In Jan 2021 I sued Merck pro se for profound sleep dysfunction caused by daily FIN intake for 15 years. All allegations in attached Complaint are absolutely true and backed by overwhelming documents and witnesses.

In short (1) I used FIN for 15 years (2) which triggered a nightmare tsunami of maladies (3) which all eventually naturally resolved except for profound sleep dysfunction, partially mitigated by sleeping pills (which I’m forbidden to discuss here) (4) concurrently I fortunately survived several very serious suicide attempts.

As a litigation attorney I had the legal skills and lined up many documents and witnesses - including three doctors - to best the mob of Merck attorneys and certainly would have prevailed eventually. (The Merck attorneys are professional and polite but will drown opposing parties via tsunami litigation tactics.)

To reduce the complexity and expense of case, I solely sought sleep dysfunction damages and elected trial by judge.


Unfortunately I had waited too long to file. I discovered in Dec 2014 that FIN had triggered the “nightmare smorgasbord” of maladies described in Complaint and that “discovery” triggered the __ year statute of limitations (varies by state, typically 1-3 years). I therefore had to voluntarily dismiss the lawsuit “with prejudice” in May 2021. See attached “docket report”

Unfortunately only one other serious U.S. PFS case remains, see details:


I encourage YOU to (1) timely file your own lawsuit and (2) don’t commit suicide because you just might naturally recover like me. Be advised you must be willing to endure 3-5 years of expensive, exhausting, and revealing litigation. However, don’t agree to a “blowoff” minimal settlement just to end the frustration.

Contact me directly at MoviePosterCollectors@gmail for informal US legal advice only. (I am retired-for-now and do not practice law except for my own cases.) See my prior posts for general advice.

I strongly recommend you utilize the superb resources of and contact its agent Phillip Roberts to arrange counseling:

I ALWAYS email its invaluable listed medical articles to doctors to explain PFS maladies AND to prove PFS is legitimate disease:

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Email me to request PDF :dart:

Fantastic stuff Mel, sue the pants off the fuckers! Godspeed

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Surely the 3 year timeline can be challenged considering the multitude of symptoms and the fact most sufferers are fighting an onslaught of physical, cognitive and emotional ones which often hit progressively. Legal action is the last thing on one’s mind. There must be occasions where exemptions/ exceptional circs apply. Or is this a legislative hammer to protect those fucking criminals. There must have been a previous prescedent set against pharma for medical claims. Thalidomide immediately springs to mind. @anonymous1968 even though youre retired would you not consider taking the fight to Merck on behalf of everyone on here past and present. Such a law suit would bring the attention that this hidden/dismissed condition ideally needs .



Sorry to hear of everything you went through and are still going through with the sleep issues…

I have had horrible sleep issues as well. I stayed up for six weeks with zero sleep after taking saw p for my second time. It almost killed me. More recently after adjusting neurotransmitters based off a urine neurotransmitter test I stayed up for 8 days and for a couple of months I could only sleep 45 min-about 3 hrs per night.

I’m now back to on average 5 hrs per night with 1-3 in and out light sleep hrs. But the last three nights in a row I have got 6 hrs per night and one of the nights I got 7 straight hours . So I’m still improving

Couple of questions/comments:

Why did you not just say that you discovered the sleep issues were linked to fin like three months ago? If you had medical records that showed otherwise you could just cherry pick the medical records and let Merks skum lawyers find them on their own … and if they did your case would have got dismissed later. My mentality is never ever surrender. I sued the US government general services administration pro se as a gov contractor with this mentality and cost GSA 100k in attorney fees before my case got dismissed. My point through is I never agreed with their gov attorneys to a joint dismissal. I told them to go fuck themselves and kept filing motions in oppositions

It’s most likely about neurotransmitters. If you can find the right ones to increase with the right amino acids you will likely be able to sleep . Unfortunately I can’t tell you which ones and you are playing with fire. You could increase the wrong one and get worse . If you would like I can help you get a urine neurotransmitter test so we would have a clue as to where you stand. And before you listen to the jerks who are about to respond telling you not to trust urine neurotransmitters. I cured my horrible 7 years worth of constipation by info discovered in the urine neurotransmitter test.

I think our GABAa receptors are stuck open due to excessive positive allosteric modulation brought on by fucking with Allopregnanolone. And then glutamate (NMDA receptors) up regulated. The up regulated glutamate receptors is what I think causes the insomnia.

Also… I’m assuming you are getting some sleep. Because people with fatal insomnia die within 8 months on average of zero sleep . I went 6 weeks with zero sleep and was going down hill fast . I’m assuming you are going to stage one or two sleep at least for a few minutes at a time per day maybe? Otherwise you would likely not survive for more then a year tops and before the end of the year you would be severely mentally ill and incapable of having this conversation. Not that I’m trying to down play your suffering because trust me brother I feel for you and it sounds like your sleep is very minimal

I would not use any prescription medication period with the exception of benzodiazepines if they help your sleep at all and even then I would be very careful with how I use them . I would have the urine neurotransmitter and metabolites test so we can see if we can figure anything out

Have your tried upwards to 5000MG glycine with magnesium and melatonin all at once ? You could try increasing serotonin with L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP and vitamin B6. But I would not try that until you at least know how much serotonin is in you urine. I wouldn’t increase any excitatory neurotransmitter. I would first try jacking up my inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA, glycine and serotonin

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