I’m a 53yo lawyer in Denver. Yes, I absolutely positively 100% recovered from worst case scenario PFS possibly via near-starvation. See my prior posts and lawsuit against Merck. Unfortunately I’m probably a “freak recoveree” and do NOT recommend starvation except as an absolute last resort, since it triggered horrific maladies such as ataxia & double vision.
However FIN - not PFS - triggered “insane/freaky” sleep dysfunction in 2014. Making a loooong story short, it has evolved over time. I “zombie rest” or half-sleep all night now without drugs and do not lapse into unconsciousness. It is quite miserable BUT I feel fine/normal during day! Apparently this “zombie rest” performs same functions as sleep! (Initially it was horrible/intolerable and almost deep-sixedme.)
Sleep dysfunction is the “unsung villain” in our world. It is directly fatal and intolerable, even worse than sexual and emotional dysfunction.
Overall I’m very fortunate and do not feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for other PFS victims.
See attached first page of lawsuit, now abandoned because I filed late🤨