I just wanted to post this again in response to something I read on a different thread yesterday. Someone had stated that they believe the reason that no one wants to tell their story on the podcast is “they don’t really have full blown PFS.” This poster went on to say that they themselves had considered coming on the show, but since they have had a partial recovery, that they don’t need to tell their story. A couple things:
I am not sure what “full blown PFS” is…I think most on here would agree that things are the worst a year or two after stopping, but almost EVERYONE I talk to has had some recovery over time. Nobody stays in the “full blown PFS” mode for their entire life. If that were the case, we would ALL commit suicide.
Even if you have recovered somewhat, the fact is THAT YOU RECOVERED FROM A PROBLEM CAUSED BY A HAIR LOSS DRUG - a problem that never would have existed if you hadn’t taken the drug. I think some people are so relieved that the symptoms have abated somewhat that they forget that a drug sold to them as safe made them sick.
If you have made a decent recovery - THAT EVEN MORE OF A REASON TO COME ON THE SHOW - a lot of guys are still in “full blown PFS” mode and hearing new voices telling them that things get better can help us prevent future suicides. If you mourn for those we’ve lost, yet don’t tell your story, it seems hypocritical.
The poster intimated that most men don’t want to tell their story since they have recovered. The truth is, I have reached out and contacted over 10 members of PH that have turned me down - and the majority have done so because they are either too scared to talked, or they have severe symptoms and are worried how they will sound. No one has yet told me they don’t want to do the show because they have recovered completely.
Please - if you haven’t told your story yet - please consider it. I have Dr. Andrew Rynne scheduled for next week - but getting a victim to come on and tell their story is much more difficult. I know how hard this disease is…I know how unfair, and devastating it is…I too am angry, but please, PM me so we can set up a time to get your story on the air. The more voices we have, the harder it will be for the outside world to deny PFS.