Pfs = overstimulation of the brain/nervous system?

I know some people here have either brain fog, visual snow, tinnitus or light and sound sensitivity. Although these conditions are not well understood, researchers have some indication on what it could be. With visual snow researchers found an hyperactive part of the brain probably because of a defect inhibitory system of the brain, therefore the brain gets overstimulated. Most people with visual snow also have tinnitus, light and sound sensitivity, migraines or brain fog (all overstimulation). What would be logical is that pfs is also a type of overstimulation of the brain since many of these symptoms coexist with pfs. If im correct they found too much testosterone in brains of people with pfs, what also can result in a kind of overstimulation.

After 8 years of pfs I found some correlations with things I do and when I feel rather good, or at least not stressed. These things that make me feel better also always have something to with decreasing stimulation of the body/brain/nervous system. Screens of electronic devices are true evil for me, tv, mobile. But also music is difficult. smoking weed is something i cannot do anymore (before pfs it would only tickle me). Playing video games is terrible for me. Somehow i can still read books without too much problem but when i do it on a electronic screen it is just terrible. Light from outside is also difficult for me. Sugar and alcohol are also problems. Saturated fatty foods too. masturbation, porn all terrible.

What do helps is Fasting, cold showers help (on head/brain). Now the thing that helped me the most the last 8 years and maybe some of you will probably find relief in this too is sitting in the dark at night with preferably a small window open (fresh air). It is boring as hell, but also relieving when you feel stressed or having brain fog. You feel your body relaxing since you are not getting stimulated, my tinnitus gets less intense, penis gets more sensitive, and one time i truly had some libido after a long time doing it (5 hours). I felt my body relaxing and somehow this increased libido. I’m curious to see if more people experience the same relief of anxiety, overstimulation.

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It’s definitely overstimulation. It’s like broken brakes. If I get nervous a bit I can’t stop, I’m feeling agitated for hours after every little stress.

Sleeping in a cold room has evidence for sleep improvement. It is a good idea to go asleep with the window open. That is general info that is not connected directly to PFS/ PAS/ PSSD. It may be difficult if you live in a noisy area.

Try this simple exercise next time you get stressed. Lay down on bed, and lay one hand on your belly. Now, breath to this hand/belly. Do this for 15 min, after it you will feel relaxed. For me this works wonders.

I believe this overstimulation of the brain impairs breathing by a lot. Besides other benefits, cold showers, exercise and fasting (empty belly) increase breathing by a lot. I believe, that is the main reason people with pfs feel a lot better as it is in my case.