PFS Network webinar - next Sunday 1st October

Hello all,

Next Sunday, the 1st of October, PFS Network will be hosting another edition of our webinar series. We currently have 47 patients and loved ones registered, which is the most to ever attend one of these webinars.

This is perfect timing, as we have some important updates about ongoing research to share. These updates can only be shared with those who attend the webinar, so I would highly encourage you to join.

Please register here:

The session will be held at 5pm GMT, Sunday 1st October. Please allow 45 minutes for the event.

You do not need to register multiple times.


Just a reminder that the webinar will begin in less than an hour.

How does a webinar work? Is it listen in only or more like a conference kind of thing?

It’s more like a presentation than a meeting. I think there will be a Q/A session also.

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A little mix up with timezones. We are starting now.

This was held at 4p GMT then? I got “invalid meeting ID”

Apologies. There was a mix-up with GMT/BST. We discussed using UTC time from here on so this doesn’t happen again.

A summary of key points will be sent out over email soon to everyone who registered.

Nice email just received about the new research team in place with future goals…is there an html version of that?


Great development, all involved. Excited to keep seeing advancements.

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