Hi, I wanted to chime in on this briefly. To anyone who comes across this thread, I’d greatly appreciate your time to read this and understand my mindset about speaking out and making a video.
It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. You simply cannot put the misery and suffering and devastation we’ve all suffered into words. It can not be done. Any time you try to explain it someone, or record yourself saying it, it comes out sounding less devastating than it truly is. An outside viewer can not see the physical changes you’ve experienced, the mental toll the cognitive symptoms have taken on you, and everything this condition has ultimately snatched from you. PFS has broken me into a thousand pieces, time and time again, with zero sign of letting up. As of now, there is zero replicable and proven treatment for PFS. Zero. The herb protocol, fasting, HCG + progesterone, TRT, GH peptides, some of it may work for a small percent of men, but there is absolutely ZERO treatment out there that has shown significant improvement for a substantial number of us. This is why it is so important to get your story out there. There are too many videos on Youtube of doctors and other random people talking about how PFS is psychosomatic, utter bullshit, or whatever adjective you can think of. Due to the hard work of this community & the legendary admins working behind the scenes, this condition is starting to be recognized. It is going to take TIME, but most importantly it is going to take US. Whether it be an Iphone, a camera, whatever. Please record your story. @Sugarhouse has an easy-to-follow guideline for anyone willing to step up and make a video. They have the means to post it on their social media platforms. We’ve talked so much about what this condition has stripped from us on these forums, please talk about it openly and online.
For those who have careers, friends, family, lives beyond these forums - I understand. You must understand that you are not putting these things in jeopardy by making a video. You don’t have to share your name or location. You just have to show your face and share your story. By nature, people are dismissive of forum posts and like to jump to the most logical conclusion. PFS is not logical. It is a bizarre, devastating disorder and people are going to vehemently deny it until there is concrete, irrefutable evidence that this drug has caused persistent changes in our receptors, genetic sequences, or whatever it has done. This is going to take TIME. The absolute best things any of us can do right now is to record our story, put it out there, and let it build viewership over time while we are fighting this. Right now, from what i’ve seen, there are about 10 or less total Youtube videos about personal PFS stories. This is crazy guys. It will be infinitely hard but you must understand how important it is to share your story, even if a 3 minute video. In many cases, shorter and to-the-point is going to be most effective.
I won’t beat a dead horse here but I had to state the importance of making a video. The guys here will help you every step of the way. When I recorded my video, I could barely string a sentence together without getting off track. I stared at that camera and had to restart 5 or more times when I recorded it. But I knew how important it was to get out there. I knew that one day a young man with his entire future in front of him is going to see me sitting there, completely broken, and re-think his decision to take that fucking medication. It may even save his life. That alone is worth the fear, anxiety, and inconvenience to record that 10 minute video. Guys, many of us have been here for years battling things that many people couldn’t even dream up. Please go a step further and be strong for 10 minutes. It has to be done.
Much love always,