Me and a few other patients have recently created a Whats App group chat where people can post screenshots of their monthly donations (preferably €100 or more). This chat will allow people to see in real time that others are also donating and will hold people accountable. If you don’t have Whats App we are also creating a google drive folder where patients can upload their monthly donations.
All the time patients say that they would donate but they need to see that others are contributing before making a commitment. This chat solves that issue.
This initiative could potentially be huge for the community. For example, if 50 patients (or their families) can just donate €100 monthly that’s €60,000. But whatever your family can afford is fine. Even if it’s only €10-50 a month. Small amounts add up over time.
We have already got 9 members in the chat committed to donating €100 monthly along with a few others who will be donating smaller amounts. If you or your family can afford to make the commitment please send me a message and join our fast growing group of guys committed to contributing to PFS Network.