PFS Network Monthly Donation Group

Me and a few other patients have recently created a Whats App group chat where people can post screenshots of their monthly donations (preferably €100 or more). This chat will allow people to see in real time that others are also donating and will hold people accountable. If you don’t have Whats App we are also creating a google drive folder where patients can upload their monthly donations.

All the time patients say that they would donate but they need to see that others are contributing before making a commitment. This chat solves that issue.

This initiative could potentially be huge for the community. For example, if 50 patients (or their families) can just donate €100 monthly that’s €60,000. But whatever your family can afford is fine. Even if it’s only €10-50 a month. Small amounts add up over time.

We have already got 9 members in the chat committed to donating €100 monthly along with a few others who will be donating smaller amounts. If you or your family can afford to make the commitment please send me a message and join our fast growing group of guys committed to contributing to PFS Network.


Great !

China is a closed country. I can’t use most foreign software. At the same time, transferring money abroad is also a very troublesome thing, so I can’t join you.

But I will donate a large amount of money to PFSnet through my friends at the end of the year.

On the other hand, I’m really proud of you. I don’t want to say “you’re great”, but everyone who contributes is really making a wise choice for “their own interests”. Save others at the same time.

I will try to find some like-minded people from the network and donate to pfsnet. I hope I can find them. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:(I have to say, I met a lot of “iron roosters”).


Great initiative. Come on guys, let’s come together collectively and beat this condition by any means necessary. I have a friend who has joined as well. Seeing this group grow, along with every other initiative, helps keep people holding on to life and speeds up the day we all get out of this mess in a reliable manner.



Great initiative! Keep up the good work. If you’re not already signed up for recurring donations, you should.

You can sign up for a lower amount like €20, and make larger contributions throughout the year if/when you can.

We can get out of this, but we need to support the researchers and the Network.


Exactly. Contributing a recurring amount provides consistent reliable source of funding. When new campaigns are launched contribute more.

We cannot experiment our way out of this. It doesn’t work like that. We have to do the research and that requires funding. Money is completely worthless if you are ridden with anhedonia/memory loss/brain fog/ no libido etc.


That day will come if we push as hard as possible

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this is a great idea @Toughluck24, I’m glad to sign up for €100 per month and will give more when fundraising initiatives are announced


I support this and hope more of the community will participate from this forum.


Would you like to join? Please DM me and I’ll gladly add you into our group

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