PFS crash story from RU54881 (anti-androgen) … 134359630/

I am 35 yo. RU54881 is a topical anti-androgen that binds to the androgen receptor just like flutamide. A LOT of people use it for hairloss, I know hundreds on hairloss forums.

I applied it, just like everyone who used it, ONLY topically. It has a a short half life and everyone says that symptoms, if any, disappear within a day of stopping it. I do not know of a single case of lingering symptoms.

I used it between 2010-2013 with no major problems to report. On the occasional days where I used a bit more than the recommended 20mg/day dose I felt a tiny little drop in libido that recovers if I stop.

However, in April 2013 I mistakenly increased the dosage to about 40mg which is still in the range of what people take. What happened: I got depressed, low libido, brain fog. In response I stopped it. I got 2 great weeks of very high libido. Then I crashed: - I started having numb genital area, ED, PE, and decrease libido

  • this continued and WORSENED for months after
  • I saw a Dr who gave me clomid 50mg eod. I did not feel good on it. Libido dropped further after an intial increase. When I stopped Clomid after 3 weeks, I had a 50% recovery for about 2 weeks then I crashed again. Recently The doc gave me hcg 1000 units 3 times a week. Testicles grew but libido worsened and so did numbness, WHILE I WAS ON HCG. So I stopped that too.

My current status is very bad. Numbness, and very low libido making relationships impossible.

I am open to hear your suggestions and I really hope there is something that could be done.

I’d honestly take pfs over what RU can do if/when it goes systematic. Blocking androgen receptors in the heart and shit. Terrifying.

Seems then even topical antiandrogens can cause PFS. I’ve literally just been researching topical hair loss treatments because many men ask me what hair loss treatments are safe. I am also aware that some hair transplant doctors are developing topical finasteride so this is really important! (see

Yes, I have seen hundreds of PFS cases reported from Rogain. I also have used topical Nizoral and noticed a pretty substantial set back.

I personally haven’t seen any cases of PFS on this forum as a result of taking Rogain or Nizoral. Can you point me to the reports you’ve seen?

That is because the only people allowed to sign up here are one who have taken Finasteride. A few people who used Saw Palmetto and Accutane who signed up a few years back sort of got grandfathered in…

Here is a long list of people with major side effects from Rogaine … FOR+MEN%29

I personally tried Rogaine about a year ago and immediately got dizzy and super thirsty for the next 24 hours so never touched it again. Same with Nizoral although it did not seem as severe.

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This guy says minoxidil made him crash.


Had no idea Nizoral was an anti-androgen. Got prescribed it when I was 16 ffs.

I still had rampant libido and subsequently MPB few years on, but still. Just shouldn’t be fucking around with hormones, especially at that age, and especially without the paitents understanding of what it does. All I was told is that it was for dandruff.

what a BS in my opinion :slight_smile:

I used RU58841 in June this year, and unfortunately overdosed it.
Since that my libido went down significantly and did not get back to normal.
Have you found any treatments that helped you to recover from the low libido @moonman1?

2 things, none of which last long term…

-1- a product called Z-Force that had tribulus, mucuna pruriens, and ecdysterone - this product no longer has these ingredients in it though.
-2- being around a women who no longer wanted to be with me. seriously this sounds dumb, but it has happened twice to me in the past 18 years and everytime I was around them my libido would increase. i think it has to do with a spike in dopamine.

ok, thanks a lot! @moonman1
If you say it did not last long term, you mean that your libido went back to low again, and the Z-force pills did not make a difference anymore?
I am going to and andrologist and check my hormones levels, let’s see what he says…