PFS crash 1 year on ...would like to hear a story from your lowest point

I’m approaching 1 year since discontinuation and I’m remembering some of the nightmares and hellish scenarios from that time as I’m sure we all do !
It would be cool to hear some stories from people’s initial crashes or when they first discontinued the drug and to compare that to how you are today.
Bassically a story from the period when you first got PFS . I know everyone’s recovery process is not the same here , but something comparing how you were then to how you are today no matter how small the positive may seem to you .

I had most of my symptoms whilst already taking finasteride but once I quit Tinnitus and Insomnia came on fairly quick .
A couple of nights I didn’t sleep at all and I remember at the time my mum suggesting to me over the phone that I try and do as much sport as possible so that could help me fall asleep .

I was managing a restaurant in Hollywood at the time and one of my customers invited me out to play football with his team at Santa Monica high school and I went out there (again after sleeping for next to nothing a couple of days in a row ) and felt like absolute shit .

It was September and still hot in the evenings and I remember trying to run around the pitch with these guys which was embarrassing as they were all 40-50 and I was the young un running out of breath and feeling tired. Being in a state of total chaos from PFS I naturally played the worst I’ve ever played that night and the customer never invited me back to play …now I think about it he ducked off without even saying good bye as he was probably embarrassed about how shit a player he had brought to the game .
I caught the bus back home and it was like 10pm and I remember thinking well at least I have tired myself out from the game , tonight should be a better night.

I went home and laid awake all night , sleeping for about an hour at 5am and then got up for work again . The worst period ever, total Hell - I’m glad I’m through it and doing ‘better’ than this today . :pray: be encouraged to keep going !

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