Pfs and connective tissue weakness

Have you ever experienced something that make you think that pfs is responsible for weakness on connective tissue,especially on tendons,ligaments and cartilages?I know sex hormones have some effects on them but nothing clear about it as far as i know.So ampiric results from pfs sufferers is reasonable and credible for now to deduce.

The reason i am wondering it is because somehow i got some blow to my knees and foot and it seems they are kind of fucked up as the mr result shows that all ligament,tendons and cartilage have gotten degenerative effects like strained tendon and ligament,tendinitis,meniscus fraying etc.

What makes me it is because of pfs is that if a meniscus is a sturdy thing,for a 26 year old man,it would not be prone to fray as fraying is related to degenerative tissue resulting from aging,a sturdy cartilage would tear,not fray.Another reason is that i am the only one having that much problem amongst 3 other who are all exposed to same impact on same area on body.Recently,i also have noticed that my elbow,shoulders,wrist and even my chest are tend to crack and popping.

I really wonder if it is due to dht blocking and you have similar symptoms.

Can this cause jointnpopping noises?
Do you feel pain?

I noticed that my joint popping noises were connected to masturbation. The more consecutive days I masturbated, the more it pops.

I also remember a few members talking about how using hydrocortisol reduced joint popping noises (I am not recommending anyone use HC; it was just something that some people claimed). Also, masturbation reduces cortisol, so maybe there is a connection there between adrenals and joint clicking.

no i don’t feel pain at all.all i know is just androgens have direct impact on these tissues.i also read somewhere dht blocking cause collagen to be less produced and collagen provide strength to tissues.

i am not looking for actually any treatment anymore and i am completely desperate.i just wonder if it is caused by the pfs.

A lot of people here have joint issues, so it’s possible your situation is caused by PFS.
A user by the name of Casual said he had joint popping noises, but that has mostly gone away recently.
I had joint popping noises that was diminishing until I went many consecutive days masturbating.

I am on a new nofap streak.