Disclaimer: never took any 5ar inhibitor in my life.
Back in 2015 I used Pfizer Aromasin in the hope of boosting my natural testosterone. Which it worked really well for, I reached 1200ng/dl by just taking 25mg aromasin every 3 days.
I took it for about a month before the low e2 symptoms became unbearable:
- crackly joints
- flat muscles
- no strength and 0 pump in the gym
- depressed mood
- foreharm hairloss
- no libido.
Fast forward one year I didn’t learn from my mistake, I take aromasin again.
Same symptoms that make me stop.
Fast forward one year after discontinuing, I feel depressed, my muscles are flat, I cannot workout anymore, I have no libido.
I go for a blood test: e2 is <10, practically undetectable, and test is 600ng/dl.
Fast forward 3 years in 2020, another blood test: e2 still undetectable.
I decide to try transdermal testosterone to solve this issue: it does a great job at elevating e2, I feel a lot better, but it’s affecting my sleep really bad, and I don’t like that constant tiredness.
I’m now in a situation where I have found a solution to my low e2, but the solution makes me sleep-deprived.
Anyone has been confronted to the same issue and found a durable solution?