Permanent brain damage?

If we do some solid research particularly on receptors…like androgen receptors for pfs and pas, serotonin and dopaminergic receptors for pssd and estrogen receptors for post arimidex/aromasin syndrome, we can easily find a lot of answers for our problems. Idk when will this even start. I dont thing anyone is even interested in these things…stupid world. We need people like @awor


Sadly, this approach isn’t likely to bear fruit. I’ve written about this before and sorry for repeating myself if you’ve read it before but repeatedly people here say that we need research and we need someone else to do something.

At some point we all need to accept that nobody else is going to do it, so we need to do it.

Because you probably aren’t a research scientist, you’ll have to do something else instead.


What do u mean by “we need to do it”? Aren’t this “we” this whole community of people suffering from these drugs? Should we individually do such researches? And not everyone comes from US or Europe to find such high level research scientists, and not just scientists, we need highly qualified scientists on receptor science. What people like me can do is to donate to such a research which is initiated by the whole community. U people should purposefully make people here to donate a small amout every month for such a research, otherwise they should not use this forum for spreading their fad diets and scams. After 10 months of having this severe physical symptoms i am damn sure i will never be cured with these exersice and diets.


I agree.

That would be unfair (what if someone can’t afford it? How do we make them? Do we ban people for not having money?). What’s more, as I have written about before, the amount of money needed is probably more than we can crowd fund.

The sooner people who are affected here find some way of contributing to the effort of getting this condition recognised and raising the profile of our cause, the sooner we’ll get somewhere.

So, as always, I agree that you can’t fad diet or supplement yourself out of this (hasn’t worked in ten years) you can’t afford to fund the research, even if we could get the right people ready to do the work.

So, the only thing we can do is use our own skills and abilities to raise the profile so that those who can fund the research and scientists who might be interested can see the scale of the problem.


This describes how I feel also. Although I can work and live an autonomous life there’s not much joy in it. My penis is numb and my emotions are numb.

Did he use finasteride? Have he said so somewhere?

We will never know for sure, its an estimated guess. However I’m convinced he did.

Are you trying trestolone?

Specific demethylation using crispr-like treatments seems to be the best bet. I don’t see how this problem is exactly metaphysical, although the body-mind interplay can certainly give one pause for deep contemplation.

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If it was brain damage no one would get windows. Also you can sever someone’s spinal cord and they can still get erections or have libido or they still respond to testosterone treatment. Brain damage doesn’t give u stretchy skin and tits

Why did Randy Santmann have hippocampal atrophy then on autopsy?

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I’m assuming if ur hippocampus atrophied there would be changes in blood results. If not, brain atrophy would almost always show up in MRIS which hasn’t happened to any of us

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This is not true, as someone who had someone close (not a relative) get Alzheimer, I can tell you it’s certainly possible for people with structural damage to have “windows” where they almost seems normal.

It never lasts for long though, and they get progressively worse and the windows gets fewer and shorter.

Hell, when you start to notice the oddities they probably had the disease for 10+ years.

This is true, so brain damage can’t be the sole reason for PFS.

Edit: Parkinsons is the same. When you get symptoms you already lost over 50% of the dopaminergic neurons.

However Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative condition

Also the fact people can crash weeks and even a month off the drug doesn’t make sense with brain damage I think

For the very common phenomenon of a crash OFF the drug sometimes even weeks to a month shit sometimes longer off the drug…I find it hard to believe ur genes decided to methylate or whatever

It was months before I crashed…I felt like shit on the drug and slowly got worse and continuing declining for years now after stopping…

Oh I hear u man. Definitely variable type symptoms here and stories.

I have had gynecomastia, mainly sore nipples, using light therapy on my head has reduced those symptoms. I actually think that normal functioning of the AR in the Brain and consequently normal functioning of 5ar in the CNS has an ongoing consequence for the rest of the body for the periphery of the body. That’s my thinking on it.