anatomical proximity to the urogenital tract if I was to take a stab at this. I think it could be as simple as some type of inflammation pinching nerves, blood flow, oxygen, muscles. I had a colon polyp this past year, now I get to go back in 5. im 36. i’ve even read on something that might be a possibility, colon shortening. I’m not sure how easily recognizable this would be from a colonoscopy.
On a positive note, I did read on a experimental study this was restorable.
These are different diseases, but an example.
In UC the involvement of the mucosal and submucosal layers causes a thickening of the muscularis mucosae with accumulation of ECM that may contribute to shortening or stiffening of the colon, whereas in CD the transmural nature of the inflammatory process is followed by bowel wall thickening, and eventually formation of stricture and stenosis.1
They found no indication of cd or uc on my last biopsy.