I haven’t logged into this site for a long time, but would like to give my input.
I also had measured before propecia usage and can confidently say that my penis circumference went from 5.5" to 4.25" over the course of usage which was 18 months. Length went from ~7" to 6.5" I got off propecia in May 2008, and since then my circumference has improved to 4 3/4 at the absolute most. I stress absolute most because I had to work to improve it, although time helped as well. However, this is still very significant and I expect it will improve over time, but only assuming I diligently work at it (which I haven’t always, due to various lifestyle changes over the past several years).
One thing that undeniably helps that I really wish I had done earlier is take a PED at night, regularly. Some people here are worried about doing this because of a tolerance build-up, and want to “save them for when they really need it.” This is ridiculous to me; you need it as soon as you start showing symptoms. Your penis will progressively deteriorate if it is never supplied with bloodflow and the nutrients this brings. START NOW. To mitigate tolerance, take them every other day or less, and/or rotate different meds. Over time I have come to prefer cialis simply because it lasts longer. Price is a poor excuse as well; I’m poor and can get them off various online pharmacies without breaking the bank. Hell, taking it once a month is better than none, absolutely. Yes it is not as safe as regulated pharmaceuticals, but how bad do you want to improve? For the record, I’ve never had any problems with my purchases.
I also used a medical grade vacuum pump. Religious usage helped, but only slightly (like 1/8" over several months of near daily usage). I lost my pump during a move, and probably won’t get another one, but I still recommend it because it only helps when used properly, and the act of having some control over the situation made me feel much much better. It also significantly improved my brain-penis connection, and looked and felt much much healthier. More info on pumps can be found at peyroniesforum.net.
The reason I won’t get another pump is because I’ve found something I prefer, which is clamping. Clamping is a penile enlargement technique I learned at thundersplace.org. It’s not as scary as it sounds, and after a good session I’ve noticed a 1/8-1/4" improvement immediately, and believe this will improve over time. It’s free and improves general penile health and feeling noticeably. When combined with nocturnal PED, at times I can feel pretty damn close to normal, and my penis size doesn’t keep me from pursuing sexual relations even though I’m not really that close to my pre-fin size.
Other things I’ve tried over the years that may have slightly helped are quercitin and l-arginine. I wouldn’t expect too much though.
All these techniques, along with time, have improved my situation physically and mentally. I don’t avoid all sexual situations just because of my penis size anymore. My mind-penis connection has improved tremendously. I expect more improvement over time. There are fluctuations though, don’t expect linear progress.
Other comments: I’ve been off about 5 years after 18 months on. I never had a crash, mine was more very slow, almost imperceptible deterioration. Over time people treat “the crash” as if it’s gospel on this forum, but I think this is misleading, as I and others didn’t experience such a clear crash when coming off the drug. I deteriorated slowly while on, and have improved very very slowly since coming off.
This is all I can think of for now, good luck.