Penile shrinkage after exercise?

This happens me.

Even tonight after two sets of weights.
The other night after running for 30 seconds. I checked to see how fast it happens, and it’s pretty much instant.

Seems that the blood flow immediately goes elsewhere in my body. My penis shrivels up.

All it not well in my body.

Anyone else have this??

Yep, has been like this since post-drug Testosterone drop, 2 weeks after stopping.

same here. It’s uncomfortable as hell. The only thing that’s helping consistently for me now is marijuana for shrinkage but I don’t use it often. Just when the tightness and shrinkage is unbearable.

I believe it’s a blood flow issue. It has to be, because it happens me as soon as i initiatve exercise.

Thing is. I was feeling better last week. I played football. A tough game. Half way through i had a cheeky check and realised no shrinkage. None.

No coincidence here.

I think it’s either a blood flow issue AND/OR central nervous system issue. The body naturally priorities it’s functions. Since we are “cokmpromised” we’re almost always working under our potential (sexually) but when we stress further (i.e. via exertion) the body goes even further in sacraficing “non-vital” functions.

My big question is, I wonder if exercise could, over time, help the body wake up and “get used” / increase it’s tolerace of thing thereby increasing our bodies’ overall “base” level of functioning. I do recall one guy saying he recovered after “working out like an animal” for two solid years…

This happened to me before fin. It is not uncommon as other parts of the body require blood.

True but it happens me to a massive extent now.

This has always happened to me but I know what you mean, it’s worse now. It goes super pale at the tip and numb after any sort of exercise now and the numbness lasts for the whole evening after.

I get this too. It’s like, while exercising, the body’s resources go elsewhere and your dick is the last priority.

I get this too of course. I can’t remember to what degree I got this before fin. I know that it did retract during rigorous excercise, but no where like it does now.

Ive been trying the workout approach but the longer and harder I workout the tighter my muscles become. I’ve been at it for years. The usual cycle is it helps some at first but after a while it’s like I peak and the penis just gets colder and smaller the more I do it, probably from increased testosterone conversion to estrogen.

I get massive shrinkage after running, but if I go for a long walk it seems to help down there. I prefer running, but have been walking more because of it. It’s hard to believe I ran a 8:45 mile pace in a half marathon about 2 months before my fin crash, and now when I run my legs feel like lead and I have to push myself the whole way. Even so I’m not giving up running. It’s one of the last things I haven’t given up due to this.

Do any long term forum members know any cases of reversal of penile shrinkage? Like most others who have it this side by far causes me the most anxiety. I could deal with the nearly absent libido but looking at my shrunked disformed penis nearly pushes me over the edge.

Mine has gone back to almost normal. Especially within the last three weeks. There is still a little bit of that kink that caused it to bend left. Also, there is still reminants of the folds especially toward where the kink is. Length and girth are returning nicely at this point. Knock on wood that this holds. no pun intended.

If its a bloodflow issue?

Has anyone tried compresion, as in an ace bandage around the affected area?

No, if it was blood flow viagra or cialis would work in theory. I’ve tried both. Its lack of response to androgens to maintain normal pre-fin tissue structure.

Pde5i work fine for me. When you tried them were you with a woman? Or were you just jacking off?

Also took me 2-3 times of using viagra before it worked, know is a bonner in pill form.

is normal also in pre erection phase?

since how long u have this side?

i have recovered only partially, i want to know if there is a possibility
to get back my full old girth

mens, that kind of shrink is very normal like when u get an icy shower.

i can’t describe the “pathologic shrink” by words,
but i can clearly see the difference

i must say that i was never worried about “shrink” when, for instance, in winter, i was out for 1 hour running at early morning.
when i was back home my penis was more shrunken than ever but after a couple of minutes it got normal shape

Does anybody else’s sexual side effects become worse after hard exercise? every time I go for a run in the evening, afterwards I can barely feel my penis at all and can achieve a semi after about 8 minutes stimulation at best.

i guess is the same mechanism of shrink after exercise


if fisiological shrink after exerc. occur normally, maybe can occur also numbness/deep shrink/ED if ur genital apparatus is in someway already sufferent