Has anyone noticed an increase in penile sensitivity using any methods? Please be as detailed as possible as to what you did. Post links to any supplements you used.
Going from drinking 2 cups of coffee per day to zero -> TRANSIENT (lasted 2 days max then back to numb)
First time taking creatine 5g / day -> Lasted for a few days but then I stopped taking it, second attempt seems to not do much
After several cycles of VemoHerb Tribulus -> slight, permanent increase in sensitivity, but still max. 50% of normal
Can you describe your tribulus penile sensitivity increase? Like is it on the head or sides? Basically im asking for graphic detail
Well, to put it bluntly, touching the bottom of the glans (on the underside, the side you can’t normally see, which is usually the most sensitive and pleasurable area) - I get more feeling down there now. A bit more on the entire penis as well, for example I more often get a buzzing feeling down there and like when you pull back on the foreskin and you get that warm tightness that feels pleasurable.
I dunno, it’s hard to describe, but on general it’s not a huge improvement - to be fair this has been the area which is hardest to improve and it pains me greatly. Perhaps overall 10-15% more sensitive, and still far from normal despite multiple cycles. I haven’t found anything that helps with this consistently, but even when I am high on androgens it only feels a little bit more pleasurable. I’ve never reached full sensitivity down there with anything, but I’ve come closer temporarily so I know it should be possible.
Havn’t improved here much, if at all. Some days are better than others but never back to pre-PFS state. And its been years.
Exactly the same here