Penile length changes after radical prostatectomy
See page 2:
Everything we are experiencing with regards to “shrinking penis syndrome”, “penis retreating like its in cold water” – they note a number of reasons for this… hypoxia-induced state (lack of oxygens to tissue), lack of erections that provide fresh oxygen supply, reduced Nitric Oxide secretion (try L-arginine to counter this!!), damage to the cavernosal nerve and more…also brief mention of some cases of Peyronie’s Disease after radical prostatectomy, and that collagen formation is due to upregulation of TGF-β (side note: Finasteride upregulates TGF-β!!! –
Since Finasteride shrinks/damages the Prostate and associated nerves via cell aptosis (death) (although not to the same extent as having the prostate removed completely) and upregulates TGF-β , you can see where the correlation might lie.
A must read, FOLLOWED BY Penile Rehabilitation After Radical Prostatectomy –
AND – Cavernosal nerve regeneration: … 06.05767.x