Penile Fibrosis

Hi, Im new to this forum and first post. I used finasteride (Propecia) years back when I was 27 aprox now Im 36 and I have been diagnosed with penile fibrosis ( mild) and has caused me vascular insufficiency and a venous leak because of elasticity. I need to repair a least a bit of tissue to be asymptomatic to venous leak and trap blood. A uro performed an ultrasound to confirm that I have fibrosis. I also have problems with libido. Ive done hormonal test and DHT is 45nl, test 500-600nl almost 700nl ups and downs and all other hormones seem to be within range.
At the time, I am using These supplements:

Arginine with Citrulline
Serrapeptase ( silk worm enzyme)
DHEA with pregnolone
Ultra Hard gel
Shitake Mushroom
Pycnogenol ( pine tree bark)

These medications used:
5,000UI HCG

HCG may help restore penile tissue

These medication in use daily:
Tadalafil 5mg before bed
Pentoxyfilline 400mg IDK if 800mg is better

Clinical studies use Pentoxyfilline with sildenafil and tadalafil…on rats😔.

I was offered focused shockwave therapy Li-ESWT for a good price. I have read that shockwave break down collagen deposits (scar tissue) from muscles and ligaments, so maybe this can work for fibrosis.

What should I do next?
Has anyone tried shockwave?
Should I use 800mg of pentoxyfilline?
Has anyone recovered from mild fibrosis (not the rats)?
Anyone using DHT cream (Andratim) and apply directly to the penis and see improvements in tunica and corporar?

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Hi @1380anthony

I’m sorry to hear about your experience. Unfortunately, I can’t provide any advice about the substances you’ve lifted, but I must warn that some patients have become considerably worse from self-experimentation.

When you have a minute, could you also please complete the patient survey, via the link at the top of the forum? It only takes about 30 minutes and will be invaluable for our research efforts.


I did. Thanks. I havnt gotten worse, but rather than stuck in 35-45% recovery. I can orgam fine and keep an erection as long as I manually stimulate because I leak

maybe 12-22 sessions of shockwave may break scar tissue. If it doesnt, maybe it will increase sensitivity. . …the one I lost.

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Can you please explain what this leak is. I think I might have it as well…

You have an erection and loose it fast because the blood does not get trapped