Basically revealed that blood flow into my penis is fine, but blood does not stay in, and escapes out. I didn’t want to debate the cause of this or existence of PFS with him, but in my limited research I believe it to be due to androgen silencing.
Anyways, he prescribed me BiMix to inject into penis. Same thing he injected me with to stimulate an erection for the doppler today. In 10 minutes it made me 90% erect but only lasted a few minutes. Similar reaction I have to Alprostadil/PGE1/Caverject, except no pain with BiMix.
I’ve done a lot of research on penile implants over the past few months and it seems like the route I will go. He said he does 50-60 a year and at my age is not a huge fan of the idea but gets why I want to and is willing to.