Penile doppler (twice) confirmed venous leak. Is there any hope?

Hi guys,

I’ve taken finasteride for a year. I felt ED after 3 months but kept taking it because my GP gaslighted me that sides would resolve upon continueing the drug. Otherwise when ceasing it.

After I developed gynocomastia, I quit the drug. After quitting, my libido rose and erections were still the same (50-60%). After 6 months I became completely impotent. My dick felt dead, I lost grith and penis is smaller now.

I only could get semi erect with tadalafil 5mg daily.

I did 2 doppler tests. Both confirmed high outflow (20+). Im doing my third this week (3 months after last ones).

I hope I can get back to normal. But this scares me very much. I am very suicidal at this point.

Are there people who recovered from this?

I am currently doing shockwave and prp sessions, but they dont seem to help very much.

Hi guys,

My doppler test revealed a venous leak.

i added a picture.

Is there a possibility that I can recover from this?

What does the doctor say?

I didn’t have any tests, but I was unable to get an erection for a significant amount of time after crash but with time that has improved and now I don’t have any problems. Obviously, this is a very worrying thing to happen, but as always, give things some time before you consider anything decisive.

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Thank you for your reply.

Ive translated the doctors conclusion below.

CONCLUSION: Insufficient Erection: After injection + stimulation, stage 2-3 erection was observed. Arterial insufficiency was not detected. Pysystolic flow hilarities were observed normal on both sides throughout the examination. There is veno-occlusive insufficiency. After stimulation, end-diastolic flow hilar is 3 cm/s. is on. Rigid tumescence phase was not observed throughout the examination.

The weird part is that after a brief search online (wish I did this before even taking finasteride), I found out that a EDV (end-diastolic flow) of ABOVE 5 is considered a venous leak. In my case, I might be near that number. But shouldnt considered a leak per se.

Im just very confused about all of this.

Im fully impotent and my dick feels awfully light. Genetal shrinkage too.

This probably means I have PFS. FUCK

Finasteride can lead to cell death in the smooth muscle of the penis. This is also the effect that is used for shrinking the prostate. Usually, people who took fin only for a few days have a good chance of recovery from ED. In my case: took it for 5 years, things got worse. I can still function with daily Tadalafil. Once this stops working I will move to an implant.

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Probably not necessary to throw this around when someone is obviously very worried.

@hlconatum, take it from me that your condition isn’t necessarily permanent. Give yourself some time. If your experience is like mine, then you will need it.

One thing that is generally accepted is that getting blood moving is a positive, so perhaps ask for a prescription of something appropriate. But don’t be surprised if initially it doesn’t work so well for you, if at all.

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Thank you Greek,

Can you ellaborate on your recovery? What was your timeline?

I cant have propper erections on 20mg cialis.

I cant believe that I am in this position. Worst thing is I had side effects after 3 months and I kept taking this destructive drugs.

@hlconatum Don’t do more harm to your body. We all went through this. Just give some time. It will get better atleast.

I think more than year. Difficult to say. I found I could have fuller erections when lying on my side but with time that wasn’t a problem in any particular position.

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Were you able to get erections without meds at all?

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Seems like loss of grith and size is due to fin and seems irreversible.

That’s just one of my symptoms tho. I am impotent (0% erections) and suffer from penile numbness.

Used to be good in bed. My ex knew I took fin and she even told me to take cialis sometimes while on fin. That destroyed me and she left because she felt no connection in the bedroom.

Can’t believe I let myself get played into destroying my life by a girl. Knew she was bad influence but couldn’t say no to her.

Im getting used to the situation. But I do miss my previous self. I had a rough 20’s filled with depression and this just finishes it. Really let down my parents as I am their only son.

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Yes I was, but not particularly reliably or with much strength.

yes there is, same thing happened to me and im now 100pc a number of years

Look at my posts for full story but they also told me i had a VL. Its not an accurate term as implies something is broken when thats not necessarily the case

My advice is go on low dose cialis ane try to forget about it, you will likely slowly improve over time

Also stay off this forum, I only logged in as I got an email prompt and your post resonated

Do not consider an implant, they are permanent

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Thank you Eskimojoe.

Did you recover from shrinkage as well?