Penile cell damage and recovery -- permanent tissue changes?

I think apoptosis would be permanent but since some people have recovered, apoptosis might not be our problem.
I don’t think apoptosis is necessarily a death sentence for sexual functioning either. I think gainswave works around it by strengthening the live cells to compensate for the dead ones. Of course, the problem with that is the steep cost.

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Assuming that you get to a clinic in time while healthy cells are still there
Not wait like I did :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:

I don’t think stem cells would help us, as far as I know cell death is irreversible, I really wish we could do a study on this because it would be very easy to get the results if that’s the case.

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How do you figure

Stem cells i he fed right in, given the right environment should create new cells and tissue and nerves if need be no?

I recall someone here tried stem cell treatment with no luck, not to mention its incredibly expensive.

So we have no recourse then?

I also seem to remember me gettin in on that conversation back then.
First you have to verify that the stem cells were “good”
Second I’m told that they can’t be administered into a body with high inflammation markers as the stem cells seek to address that for healing. I know this because spoke with a doctor that administers them and won’t give it to people unless the body is ready to accept them and use them for the intended purpose.
Also how were they administered? Intravenously or straight to the penis?
Because a doctor a forget his name a urologist that is involved with PFS (middle eastern name starts with a K) says you have to tie a knot around the base of the penis to prevent the cells from flowing into the body. Then inject.

Anyway maybe I’m just rambling so I’ll go back to my previous question
Other than stem cells we have no recourse??

That’s it? Permanent?

I’m not sure where the cells were injected to, but I don’t think it was directly into the penis.

Are you located in the US? And how much does this doctor charge per injection?

If I had the extra cash laying around I would do it myself but I just know after everything I’ve tried it most likely won’t do a thing.

Also we seem to have an issue with our androgen receptors not working so I think that will also play a roll in this treatment of stem cells not working, again I could be wrong though.

I really need this symptom to be reversible.

Even after 3 years I still cannot cope with the destruction this syndrome has brought to my genitals. It’s like it has eroded away. If it turns out this is permanent, I’m done with this life.

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Same, unfortunately I just don’t know how I’ll take my life its such a hard decision, I don’t care much about my family anymore which I know is selfish but I’m in this alone either way no one can help me.

I do have serious cardiovascular/heart problems as a result of this condition so hopefully that takes me out before I have to end my life with my own hands. I would never think of suicide either but since I’ve been like this for so many years I’m coming to terms with it.

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I understand your feelings.

What’s keeping me from doing it is that I don’t know how to, and the small chance that it ultimately is reversible. I cling to that.

But no way I’m living the rest of my life with numb destroyed penile tissues. It’s so emasculating and humiliating.

Hopefully the research will find the mechanism and point to a cure.


Have you reported this to the FDA etc.? I personally feel that if we could get this particular side effect onto the label it would be a game changer and may well make the news. Not nearly enough men are self reporting. The number of reports about genital shrinkage are nowhere near the number of members of this site, and yet it is a common symptom amongst us.


I’m a saw palmetto case. I reported it as a finasteride adverse reaction however.

Maybe the FDA patient listenings will help.

I just need some hope this can recover. It’s making me severely suicidal after years of torture of running around with a useless deformed flap between my legs. I‘m losing my mind over this.


FWIW, for those concerned about this specific symptom, there is evidence that dna synthesis returns in castrated animals that are administered androgens. It’s been discussed before here. Personally, I’ve had periods of significant improvement that keeps me believing this can be reversed. Gotta keep on getting on with understanding this condition more to get to a reliable treatment though.

We’ve made tremendous progress in the last year, now is not the time to let up or give up.


Thanks for this comment. Needed to hear that.


So when I first read @Crembo 's comments, it hit home extremely hard and I became instantly depressed.

Me , as a guy with this issue as his most persistent, the pain and mental anguish is so devastating.

Then, I read @loops 's comment the HOPE within me enlightned again.

Please, there MUST be recovery of this specific symptom… there MUST be a way to reverse this nightmare.


I certainly fuckin hope so dude


I can say this with confidence. Although my penis texture is changed 90% of the time there are the odd times when my penis feels and looks like almost back to.normal. the texture the sensation the blood flow. Like the cells come.back together is the only explanation. This happens on times when my skin and body also seem improved. My ex even noticed these differences physically on me. If I knew what it was that brought it back I’d tell you. But for a case even as severe as mine it shows that there must be a way to unlock this for longer periods of time. They are fleeting very few and far between moments but I do have them rarely


Same here, my dick has been shrivelled, often ice cold and the size of an olive for over a decade. I have zero sex drive, no nocturnals, no weight. Its a small piece of dead meat. Like @hippydoof when I’ve had the odd period of improvement theres been a global iupturn , return of muscle density, mood, sight, masculinity etc etc etc my pecker has returned to normal enough to make a worldly wise lady turn her head. (a rare joke) its even surprised me to see what i once had nursing in my apple catchers… Everything comes back and that’s after 20 plus years of PFS so everyone should remain hopeful and positive. This is not permanent for a single sufferer. We will all get our lives back. Helping the cause and doing what u can to minimise symptoms in the meantime is the best strategy


Thanks for the positive words guys!


I really need to read this…

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