Chill out 3pm,…
When I say recover. I don’t always mean 100% back to pre-fin. Dude, haven’t you realized by now, through all this, and all the reading done, on this, and other forums and traumas that result in sexual dysfunction, prostatectomy, etc. that expecting a full 100% pre-fin level of recovery is not very reasonable. And until you come to terms with this I think you will never be happy.
I’m sorry, but how much porn have you ever watched?? How old are you too btw…
Dude, can you tell when porn stars are on steroids?
I know it sounds like a vague question, but I’m sure if you have ever watched large amounts of porn you have seen “regulars” on there. I mean familiar faces as far as men go. Some of them are OBVIOUS juicers. You can tell by looking at their bodies.
And some of these guys take a little while to get up.
They still seem to be VERY successful, and enjoy great sex, but do they seem all down and out just because it takes a little longer to rise now!
Dude, don’t let your life stop for that!
People get older. People get sick. Traumas occur. People have “events” in their lives! … are you following me!
Its a very complex system.
THINK---------NOTHING CAN STOP THE POWER OF THE PENIS! And you will turn the corner maybe!
I understand your sadness. I still have it too… Probably… 5-10% of the time still. I worry and worry. It kills me. But dude, at some point we have to go on living our lives thinking we’ll be ok!
I still have a libido! I don’t know about you.!?
If you’re asking me whether I want to beat off every minute I get like I used to, or three times a day, everytime I got into bed? No, I don’t think of masturbating like that anymore… But you know man, I’ve gone through periods like that when I was very busy pre-fin, and I didn’t do it either.
YES, I HAVE RECOVERED LIBIDO! At what level…? idk, I still lookat chicks. Somethings still “wrong” if thats what you’re asking.
But I have had it recover more at times, sometimes not so much… DUde, read my fucking post!
Also, look around kid! Maybe we are not going to be “like I was”. But it doesn’t mean you cant reach some level of acceptance and go on living your life, with a somewhat healthy sex life as well.
I don’t know how many times you’ve had sex since this all started, but I’ve banged maybe 3-4 different chicks since this happened to me. Some of them more than once. I’ve had some sex! ANd some of it has been fairly successful I’d say. It gets better the more I do it too. Its like retraining. Rehabbing! Like when an athlete gets ACL surgery… It takes intensive physical therapy to return to competition strength.
Unfortunately I haven’t had a good, regular girl, that was very affectionate and reliable since all this started, becaus if I had I think I’d be in a much better place in my recovery.
But I will say, The more I had sex, the better things got.
ANd DEFINITELY… EVERY TIME I SLEPT WITH A GIRL AND HAD GOOD SEX, I WOKE UP WITH BIG WOOD! Not a lie or bullshit. Its very reliable this way too.
So anyway, grasp what you can from this… I gotta go.
Dude, I’m tryin to keep my head up!
Look around on this forum and you WILL find members, A LOT of them who have had some recovery in their libidos.
Some, a few may say full recovery.
But its just a process dude. Its not a magic bullet. Haven’t you done enough research already to know this dude. Read all the reports on Prostatectomy and regaining sexual function, and size. Its a fucking process dude! People who get Chemo, and their hormones get torched. It takes a while for that stuff to build back up, whatever it is…