Penile atherosclerosis

I’ve just made a new doppler with injection. Well, not only it shows fibrosis, but also atherosclerosis. I have to talk to my urologist next week. I don’t know if Mew or anyone knows something about this. I’m a little bit scared now.

well, I’d like to do this test too but I’m too afraid of it. Please keep us informed what your urologist said.

you r one of the few that got the doppler test done
i haven’t read a lot

how appears exteriorly ur penis?
overall shrunk or partially ?

it is shrunken. It’s thinner than it used to be, a little bit harder and it has prominent veins.

^exactly what mine looks like.

u got a doppler too?

No, but I’m 99.99% sure it would turn out exactly as yours. My penis structure is exactly as you described yours. I need to pick a urologist. I just havn’t had the time to get to one yet. There is a local university hospital that has a very highly rated urology department with research facilities. Will give them a call soon. Dreading the findings of course. These things don’t get easier to hear even as time goes by.

what do you mean with “harder” do you have plaque ? I have the same except the “harder” issue . my tissue is soft and my penis veins are more prominent… also shrinkage. so please let us know btw. do you also have ball shrinkage ?

When the doctor examined my penis before the doppler he was sure there was no plaque, but the doppler showed fibrosis. All the penis is harder, not just one part of it.

i’m curious about this kind of fibrosis that maybe i also can have

usually as far as i know the normal fibrosis involve one part and with a plaque

keep us informed in what said the urologist

could be a particular or unique case that can only caused by fina?
that could be one proof for lawsuits
and what about reversibility?

based on symptoms ie shrunken,harder, thinner etc I can bet may of us have this.

yes, but we can’t compare our symptoms without an objective test
we could be mislead

how many have doppler done? not so much i guess

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Ok, false alarm. I’ve talked with my urologist, and he said, there was fibrosis, but, about the arteries he said that there was a blood flow of 50, and atherosclerosis would be at 30 (i don’t know which unity of measure it is). But, the doctor of the echography told me that there was atherosclerosis. My urologist is convinced that there is no atherosclerosis (but he was convinced even before seeing the echography).

u need to see the average rate of bloodflow

and if the result is low u need to investigate if the reduction is due to a simple hardening (arteriosc.) or by accumulation of fatty materials (atheros.)
i don’t know if is possible get the difference only with echo test
(i’m just speculating)

however i hate the pre-convinced docs


any news?
what about treatments for fibrosys?

what appears in the doppler is this:

PS-Vaso: 51.89 cm/s
DF-Vaso: -9.61 cm/s
S/D-Vaso: -6.13
IR-Vaso 1.16

PS-Vaso: 53.56 cm/s
DF-Vaso: -9.19 cm/s
S/D-Vaso: -6.63
IR-Vaso 1.15

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Hi eh.

my question is did you get scar tissue from this examination ? because I’m afraid that I could get .Although this needle is pretty thin. I mean from the injection

No i didn’t get scar tissue. Nothing.

i guess we can’t understand anything without an average range for comparison.

How ur uro explained these values?

he only explained me that atherosclerosis was at 30cm/s, not at 50cm/s.