Pct experiences

Can someone please point me to experiences or tell me about his experience with pCT?
I am thinking of adding clomid to my progesterone. I noticed that whenever i add a t-boosting with progesterone i feel much much better, almost normal on some days.

I am getting new baseline bloodwork and then going to try the same thing. I know someone who responded well to clomid monotherapy

Based on everything I can find on this site PCT’s have not yielded substantial results.

I had morning erections every day while I was using 0.5 mg Arimidex and 2.5 mg Cialis a day. However, it didn’t increase my testosterone production. Nor did treatment with 25 mg Clomid a day…

Clomid massively increased my testosterone from 14 on a range of 8-31 to right at the top/just above top of range… however it sent my estrogen crazy (like near double top of range) and it could not be controlled with even 1mg of anastrozole a day to combat it.

Resultantly, I experienced a worsening of side effects as opposed to an improvement

hi swill!
how long did you take arimidex in combination with clomid and how much?

I did a full blown PCT with Nolvadex, clomid, HCG and received no long term benefits from it whatsoever.

Hi man,

I took it at varying doses for approx 5 months back in 2013, was tweaking under the care of my anti aging doc (Dr Crisler - a fraud, dont bother with him), and also tried it in combination with a few other drugs including arimidex, aromasin and dostinex (cabergoline). I would take for a month then get bloods and then tweak, so gave each combo a good try… the arimidex was at doses of 0.5mg eod, 0.5mg ed and 1mg ed, so quite high doses.

Crisler said he had never seen anyones aromatase enzyme so active.

FYI when off meds, my E2 drops to a very normal level, but my T drops to low normal (approx 14 on a scale of 8-31).

progesterone and clomid cured me for a month. I only took one pill of clomid then followed with prog.

ONce the clomid left my system i crashed.