PAS latest blood tests

Hi guys

I got a lot of blood tests done.

I am an interesting case in the sense that I have taken isotretinoin twice, once without getting PAS (still had deadly side effects like excruciating knee and back pain, hair loss at 15. I have lost all my hair) and once with the devastating PAS that im here now because of.

I also took minoxidil, saw palmetto and ketoconazole for 3 years before the 2nd iso course and for 2 years after that. Im 100 percent sure they contributed to this.

Ill let you guys go over the tests and give your opinions. There are some trends that are clearly visible IMO but I will wait for your advice before starting discussion.

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Did you eat vitamin A just before the test?

I can not increase my vitamin A to above range.

Maybe this is why some are finding success in Anti A and some others dont?

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No I dont know why they are so high!

I had been taking a cheap multivitamin which I honestly dont think works. It costs .5 dollars for 30 pills. It must have the cheapest ingredients.

Google becadexamin , thats the name.

Other than that, I was applying tretinoin to the face but I have read studies that systemic absorption of that drug is pretty low.

Also take note of my vitamin D levels, they are exceedingly low. Does anybody think raising them will help? Im taking weekly 60k IU and also calcium and vitamin K daily.

I would love to hear advice from anyone interested about what steps we should take based on this new information.

Your bloodwork is quite interesting. I scanned your results and these are my findings:

  • E2 is high(ish) but your T is also high normal. T/E2 ratio is 17.5. You may benefit from slightly lowering E2. What’s your current weight & BF%?

  • AM Cortisol is borderline low. What time you got tested? Did you have a good night sleep? Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning? Suffer achy joints? Cortisol (stress hormone) is important in a sense it controls body inflammation, governs blood sugar level, assist in digestion and support Thyroid function. It’s highest level is during early morning.

  • I can’t see any tests for Thyroid (TSH, FT4, FT3). Do you have previous results?

  • Ferritin: 32.48, sounds like you may benefit from increasing its level to ~100. Iron is cofactor that’s needed for making neurotransmitters such as Dopamine.

  • High Retinol & Low Vitamin D: Are you on high vitamin A diet? Consume a lot of beef liver? Were you on any Vitamin A drugs? If your answer is no then you just need to correct your Vitamin D, which is low, and this may help normalize Vitamin A. They share inverse relationship or so I heard.

What’s your main complaints if I may ask.

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Seeing the possibly elevated retinol is interesting. Ive just been talking about this. Accutane possibly interfering with endogenous retinol metabolism or conversion of retinol to retinoic acid. So maybe there could be a case of simultaneous excess and deficiency.
Seeing it elevated in serum might mean it could be systemic.
Not sure. It could make sense.

“The increased retinol levels probably reflect a metabolic interference with endogenous vitamin A, since isotretinoin cannot be converted into retinol in vivo.”

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Thank you for checking this out and offering your time and advice!

  1. Yes E is high. Im 178 cm and 70 kg. Pretty fit so bf must be less than or around 20.

  2. Till last month I was able to sleep only 3 hrs of really bad quality sleep. Its less sleep and more of the pre sleep normal people feel when they are drifting to sleep and the sense are shutting down slowly.
    It has improved a bit but I cant put on a finger on what changed to make it better.
    I have 0 energy to get up since 5 years and my thumb clicks ( this started exactly at the time of my 2nd Iso course)
    Also as you have seen, during the first iso course when I was 15, my joints ached so bad it was impossible to lie down or even jog 3 metres (not exaggerating).

  3. I forgot to ask for thyroid tests and I remembered when i was walking back home after the blood test.
    Its something really critical because everything in the results screams thyroid dysfunction. My vitamin d levels, my a:g ratio and some other things that Im forgetting. You ll be able to figure out better than me even.
    Missing thyroid was a big mistake.

  4. Yes I have heard that vitamin a and D fight for the same receptors but it was a reddit comment so I cant be sure. After getting the results I keep hoping all this has been just vitamin d deficiency for 5 years.

  5. My ferritin might be so low because I donated blood to someone in need a week before the test. Need to see how to raise this serum level.
    Studies that i read say that ferritin levels are consistently low for even single time blood donors even a long time after donation. Dunno how that can be.

I was 20 and now I am 25.
Some of my complaints are ( everything symptom I will now came on suddenly )
Complete and utter anhedonia.
0 libido
0 feelings of love, even those towards ny family and friends.
ED (i guess because of utter lack of libido)
Shrunken penis and especially head. (From 6.25 inch to 6, but main loss is girth and ballooning of head)
Complete sleep dysfunction. 0 instances of even passable sleep in 5 years and 0 dreams. ( I used to have the controllable dreams every night).
0 energy, getting up is difficult.
Loss of body scent, especially after ejaculation.
Complete hair loss ( this started at 15 years of age with the first iso course). Diffused pattern all over the head.
Beard growth halted. This is so stark that I have pictures to prove it.
Complete numbness of penis. I couldnt lie on my stomach before PAS. The sensitivity hurt and aroused so much.
0 spontaneous and nocturnal erections. Before Pas, every single yawn had me erect, every single touch by mistake to my general crotch area had me erect. Honestly it was irritating.
0 instances of happiness in 5 years.

These are some symptoms of the top of my head. My member story describes them in mkre detail and nothing has improved since then so its all applicable.

Thank you for your time and advice.

Yes it is interedting bro. Need to see and see fast how we can make use of this info.

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All looks completely normal.

You never thought about doing some cycles on a sleep med like Zopiclone or Temazepam for the sleep dysfunction? You don’t wanna use them beyond 1-2 weeks but they can be good for a reset and to help restore a pattern

My sleep has improved over the last week, IDK why.

i am currently taking vitamin d because im very deficient.
When the course is over and I am still bad, Ill approach a psychiatrist.

Thank you for these suggestions Ill keep them in mind, infact I was looking for suggestions just a few weeks ago because I was not able to sleep even 3 hours. Its currently improved.

Do you have any experiences with either of your recommendations, or any potential side effects or differences in sleep mechanisms. Thank you anyways!

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You’re welcome always !
I have used many benzodiazepines in the past (pre PFS) Valium, Xanax, Lorazepam , Clonazepam …but I never had Temazepam but I hear it’s really good for sleep . Out of all the ones I tried Valium is the best in my opinion , it just feels tremendous and is useful for function in the day to make you feel relaxed or perfect at night too to set you up for sleep.

After I got PFS I used Zopiclone and it is really good too. I still use it occasionally - for me I mainly have trouble with sleep onset (I lay awake for hours ) so it’s really good for that . I didn’t have any side effects with it but on the other hand I was careful and never drunk alcohol on it or mixed it with anything else .
If you’re doing good now I’d say just push on without but if you come stuck again with the 3 hours sleep I’d suggest Zopiclone as it is great to use for 2-3 days to reset everything .
I recommend it for sure!

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