Panic and anxiety from finasteride cured with aggression

Hi, this is how Anxiety/Panic which was caused from finesteride, was cured for me. Hopefully it can help someone, as it’s so so horrible having it and I really feel for you.

To cut to the chase the cure was Aggression. I started Mixed Martial Arts (BJJ & Boxing) and within a month it went away. And when I had anxiety attacks at night, over thinking that I couldn’t breath, just 3 minutes of going mental kicking and punching the air while laying in bed (or standing) massively reduced the immediate panic attack. After a month of BJJ it completely went away.

I don’t think it had anything to do with confidence as I’m quite confident. And at training I lose all the time :grin:. And it wasn’t the cardio as I already did a bit and was physically healthy (33y/o male).

I took finesteride when I was thirty and the panic started within a few months. I quit it at three months but the anxiety and night time panic stayed for a few more years.


I don’t remember who told me this but someone said that when you have a panic attack, your body is activating the flight or fight mechanism in your brain, but instead of doing anything you’re just freaking out. And because you do nothing, something sticks in your brain and makes you have residual panic attacks , if you don’t get aggressive (activating the fight part of you). So by getting aggressive, really agressive and exhausting yourself, it will go away. A gentle jog or sprint cannot achieve this. I dunno if this is true at all but it worked for me.

The cause of the initial panic attacks for me was chemical. I went on a horrible drug to stop my hair falling out called ‘finesteride’ or ‘propecia.’ Never take it. Three months into it i had two legit panic attacks doing things that never bothered me before. It was so horrible. Then I would get residual ones (maybe PTS) most nights around thinking I couldn’t breath at night. Even once i stopped the drug.

I changed everything, worked-out, did cardio, ate healthy, tried every supplement, went to a psychologist, fixed relationships, which was all good, but didn’t help. I felt so traumatised from the panic attacks! The only thing that helped was ‘controlled aggression’ at MMA. Cardio alone in my experience does nothing. Weights didn’t either, for the anxiety at any rate, they’re good though.

It’s been eight months and I only keep feeling better and better and never have panic attacks or even unhealthy anxiety. Yay violence and aggression :wink: But most importantly praise Jesus my God for being merciful to me, paying for all my sin debts (for all time), and showing He cares about me even in this life by answering my prayers in this way.

For the first few months I did MMA about three times a week then pulled back to one because I’m lazy, and because the panic had gone. The thing to do at Mixed martial arts is to grapple or spar, not just train. You need to get aggressive and physically exhaust yourself. Doesn’t matter if you lose…all the time :wink: Also find a gym with an instructor who doesn’t allow idiots to join and makes everyone feel comfortable. Good leadership trickles down and effects how everyone acts.

So hopefully this helps someone, I posted this on Reddit to as I really want it to help someone. Kind regards.

P.s. since BJJ my total testosterone has gone from 14 to 20.

Also if this is of interest in my late teens I went on roaccutain (isoterin) twice for six months each to get rid of pimples

I also took isotretinoin and then finasteride…and developed pfs. If you take both drugs during your life…I think you have much more chances to develop pfs.

Ahh I see. Good to know.
Hope ur getting better Tom🙂

I punch and kick a heavy bag 5x a week. It definitely reduces anxiety. It also reminds me that I’m a fighter and to not fight “myself”. Definitely helps with controlling rumination and thoughts of deep regret.

When you make the transition to fighting to get your life/health back rather than fighting yourself, many things get better.