does anybody have the same problem i have? i mean,i always and always have pain and weak legs,i sometimes even feel problems to walk…i feel my nerves totally burning over there . do you?
Had it but it got progressively better with barefoot training and core with full body exercises. It still bothers me but is not debilitating.
My advice is to try supplementing Vit D3. I had this weak leg thing for a while. I used to go to walk my dog and felt really weak in the legs. It felt like someone could push me and I would topple over. I know longer have this and feel much more sturdy in the legs. My vit D level has come up significantly as well. Something for you to consider.
i want to know if it’s a common side effect or if i just have it … i always have pain in my legs sometimes it 's so strong that it’s even difficult to walk,i feel the nerves inside like burning and i feel there is no signal in the nerves and when i have strong pain it’s more difficult to get an erection … does somebody have the same problem?
I have these. Using
vit D3
folic acid
helps greatly but not cures it.
Yes I have this. Is could be muscles shrinking or it could also be osteoperosis. I think this muscle loss will lose its novelty value if I have to use a mobility scooter. This problem is worth investigating as it points to a continuing problem after using Fin and not just one created whilst using it.
I think the D3 is probably worth a shot. The muscle shrinkage idea is probably just you being a hypochondriac as usual Oscar. If you see a mental therapist, I’m sure your legs will start feeling better.