Other case like mine?

Hello guys,

I have posted already some other posts, sharing my experience.

The thing guys is… I had a big crush back in 2015… With all typical symptoms (insomina, impotence, anxiety, panick attacks and so on)… I recovered 100% 1 year later more or less… Still some problems with my ED but it was better with more time…

Then unfortunately I had some relapses, where I had sides again, above all sexually and energy… But I recovered again alway, some relapses lasted 1 month… some 3 months… But all the other time I was fucking normal… sexually and with everything else…

By the end of september of 2020, I started to feel bad again… But this time, IDK what’s going on… but I can’t get cured again like all the other times… It’s fucking rare… Is like I got permanent sides 6 years after stopping finasteride?? So fucking rare…

Also, in all this year, I have had some peridos of partial recovery, with espontaneous erections, morning erections, and could manage sex with a pretty hard erection… But most ogf the times I can’t… and have such a bad feeling… also my energy sometimes is bad, and it’s 1 month ago now that i got sleep problems too…

It’s actually a nightmare…

Some other guy feeling cured so many time, and the got sides again??


I haven’t read your other posts and can’t go into the detail on the how and why, but you are certainly not alone in this. Anecdotal reports often show that people have fluctuations in symptoms over time and potentially many years, sometimes just worsening and getting better but also new symptoms showing up and fading again. It’s not clear if finasteride is the direct cause of this, but once problems have arisen with any of these drugs, they tend to remain right around the corner.

In any case, there is a chance your new symptoms were caused by exposure to other consumptions that may cause or worsen these issues. Be sure to avoid 5-alpha-reductase inhibiting substances, ranging from drugs such as SSRIs, isotretinoin, finasteride, dutasteride and minoxidil to natural substances as saw palmetto and zinc.

From personal experience, I wouldn’t say I was ever entirely cured, but there were definitely moments where I had better genital sensation and increased libido, even though this usually only lasts for a day or two with many months of loss of sensation in between. I still don’t know what might be causing these ups and downs.


Thanks mate for your response…

I’ve read that zinc has helped some other guys here… is not true then?

Yeah… it’s all so strange… 2 motnhs ago, I’ve had a 2 weeks period where I had erections just thinking or talking by whtsapp with a girl… Then last week I could masturbate myself with a pretty hard erection… but I had to estimulate to get the erection…

So yes… Is being up and down all the time and I don’t know why… The thing is that even in that periods i’m much better, i’m not feeling cured as I have done so many times in the past…

I don’t have experience with zinc supplementation myself, so I can’t say for sure. If you are eating like a normal person you will probably be consuming some zinc through food anyway. Plenty of meats, legumes and nuts are actually quite rich in zinc.

I really don’t want to excessively fearmonger and I do not dispute other people’s positive experiences, but please be mindful that there are also negative experiences with zinc, so I would advise to try and be careful with the amounts you consume and be open-minded about other people’s experiences even if they don’t align with your hopes and wishes.

I have contemplated low dose zinc supplementation myself, but so far have not done that yet. Just be aware that some people report ‘crashing’ from going back to any 5ari substances and even permanently worsening from them, and that higher doses of zinc are no exception.

Ok mate, thank you so much for the info, I didn’t know that…

Also, how are you? Some improvement if you compare with your first symptoms after the crash?

For me it has been like a roller coaster all these years…Right now, is also strange cause I have morning erections most of the days lately, also I can masturbate myself too most of the days… Although I have to estimulate it before… But I know my feelings and I can’t get excited like when i’ve been symptoms free… So I couldn’t manage to have sex right now… And can’t have erection without estimulating… plus other symptoms… :frowning:

How you doing mate? I’ve been off for fin about 18 months now and also have been experiencing the same situation as you. Was mostly recovering for the last year before crashing again a few weeks ago.
In total after the initial crash, I’ve had 3 crashes.

August 2020 (first and biggest crash) - took 2 weeks to recover.

October 2020 (major crash) - took six months to recover.

September 2021 (minor crash) - only reduced libido, reduced sensation. Recovered in 1 month.

March 2022 - current crash.

During my periods of recovery - my symptoms fluctuated from 70-100% recovered.

Hey mate, how you doing?

Well, sadly I have to tell you that i’m fucked right now… After all the ups and downs during the years… from 2 years till now the recovery periods hasn’t benn as good as the first years actually… anyway it was recovery and I could have a normal life… The problem is that every time those periods lasted less and the bad periods were longer…
My last good period has been from 15 december 2021 until the end of february, and actually was the best period in the last 1,5 years… But mate, since beggining of march, the symptoms has come again everytime more… and right now I’d say that i’m worst than ever in sexual terms… Totally impotent… Then energy in the morning when I wake up is horrible… And the worst thing maybe now is that I got a really bad insomnia… never before I got this bad insomnia… So i’m quite fucked dude…
Sorry to explain that negative experiences but is my current state…
For what u r saying, your case is quite similar because you r having this ups and downs… dnt’ know if u have the sexual side mainly or you have other things…
Anyway I think that you’ll get better again… and hopefullly stay like this forever once you get better. Whenever you recover yourself again try to be as health as possible…
One question mate… Always that i’m good i have morning erections, and when i stating to have the sides again, suddenly I lose the morning erections and they dont come ever again until I recover… Is the same for you?

Mate I hope u get better, so do I… PLEASE.

Let me know how u r doing now…

Big hug!