
which hormone is responsible for the orgasm sensation in the brain?
I seem to lack that sensation.

No hormone is responsible for it, it’s a series of neurotransmitters.

Notably the ones responsible for orgasm include Dopamine, Serotonin and Norepinephrine.

An increase in serotonin decreases the ability to have and feel an orgasm, where as a decrease in serotonin is usually associated with more potent orgasms.

An increase in dopamine increases sexual desire and orgasmic function, a decrease–the opposite.

An increase in norepinephrine causes stronger erections and increases orgasmic function. A decrease–the opposite.

Hormones, like testosterone and DHT, are essential in the creation of sperm and can also impact libido (but by increasing dopamine levels in the brain).

That would be the first sign of getting your prostate checked.
I too dident feel my orgasms for quite some time. came along with less penile sensitivity too. When i felt my prostate enlarege again on trt all those sensations came back and then some.

Maybe some neurotransmitter is in play here too but i doubt they are the cause.

If you stick your hand down the ice long enough, you wont have any sensations left in it after awhile. Doubt the neurotransmitters suddenly depleted themselves after a couple of minutes in ice…

It actually IS the neurotransmitters responsible for this sensation (and all feelings of “goodness” like that). They are responsible for pain, pleasure, and the likes.

The ice analogy, while a nice attempt, doesn’t prove anything. If you hold ice in your hand after a while, it effects the skin cells and the nerve pathways. When the nerve endings and pathways get so cold, they slow down, and are not able to send off signals to the brain (where the neurotransmitters are), so that is why there is a lack of sensation. The neurotransmitters are still firing off, but because the pathway is frozen, the signals can’t get through, so you feel nothing.

This works the same with paralyzed nerves. It’s not that your neurotransmitters don’t work, it’s that the nerves receiving the signals are not functioning.

Our biological functioning is dependent on neurotransmitters.


Serotonin inhibits orgasm, the other two EXHIBIT the orgasm.

So less serotonin means stronger orgasm, more serotonin means less orgasm. That is why SSRI’s cause sexual dysfunction, and in particular, anorgasmia (the inabillity to have orgasm or severely delayed orgasm with less potency).

I beg to difffer.

It proves reason for not feeling orgasms do not mean by default that your neurotransmitters are low or even out of sync.

As for the example with the ice. How many here complained about cold scrotum and genitals?

Im sure it works as you describe just saying thats not what i think is happening here.

… uh… what? The only other alternative is that propecia killed some of the nerves in our penises responsible for feeling an orgam, otherwise it’s definitely neurotransmitters.

As quoted from a Doctor’s website (a guy with an MD that spends years learning this).

“The orgasm pleasure is fascillitated through stimulation of the endorphins/opiate receptors. The libido itself is stimulated by dopamine and noradrenal receptors (Provigil boosts libido) and inhibited with serotonin receptors (SSRI’s can inhibit libido). Things that can increase libido are NA-Agonists, Zinc, P5P and B12. Things that can reduce libido are SSRI’s and anything that can clog NA receptors such as heavy metals and H2S (hydrogen sulfide caused by fermentation of sugar in gut by bad yeast or bacteria).”

Gee, seems that the neurotransmitters are a big part of the orgasm.

Prostate problems may affect it, mainly the nerves and cells that get the signals, but the orgasm feeling itself is caused by stimulated of those neurotransmitters.

The interesting thing is that I am still totaly messed up about the truth mechanism of finasteride action. If the term “inhibition” means that finastaride is actually binding to the 5 alpha reductase molecule, it those not necesserely mean it is devastating enzym itself. It would mean that 5 alpha reductase does not have to bounce back because it would be still there. The natural mechanism of 5AR action would be blocked to a period of a drug bioactivity.

How does it influance neurotrasmitters, I do not know, just like I didn’t know what Finasteride was really doing with the enzym before.

Umm okay then, u have solved the propecia mystery, congrats! Increase dopamine and you are home free and if not you have nerve damage?

seriously. I never said neurotransmitter isent responsible for pain or pleasure etc. But i do not think that neurotransmitters are the cause for propecia suffers or even this guys lack of orgasmic feelings. Take it for what u will!

Just a thought, how many have u heard complaining in here about feeling constipated or clogged or bloated even in the lower abdomen or genitals testicles prostates etc? how many ppl have you heard complaining about body parts going numb or restless etc? couldent all of these be signs of lccal lowered blood circulation? If so, isent that exatly whats is happening when you put your hand in an ice bucket?

So that’s why SSRIs inhibit sexual functionality?

This seems to be the case.

That is why SSRI sexual dysfunction can be treated with a serotonin antagonist like Cyproheptadine.