Orgasm problems in association with Dopamine receptors?

I found an interesting, easy to read article about orgasms and dopamine receptors:

Regardless from the article, i want to ask few questions too.
From the many theories i saw here about why orgasms has been impaired after the drug, there are several assumptions:
1- Lack of DHT caused it. Since DHT feeds the genital tissue and responsible for much of the sexual activity.

2- Damaged dopamine receptors? (Seriously, in what degree dopamine plays a role in orgasm intensity? Is it all about the mental part of the orgasm? Many people reported the unsatisfied feeling after orgasms here. So can we say that the muscle tissue is healthy and everything works fine except the mental response to orgasms?)**

3- Damaged pelvic floor in relation with lack of DHT or something? ( There was a guy who reported improvement in his ED after pelvic floor treatment in this forum)

4- Prostate problems? If the orgasm intensity relies on the pelvic floor muscles in general, why people claim that prostate is responsible for the intensity and function of the orgasms? Isn’t Prostate is just an organ and responsible for other sexual activites in the body? How this organ could also responsible for the intensity and the pleasure of the orgasms?

5- Low semen volume causes it. Since i have low semen volume issue for 4 years, my orgasms somewhat feels duller than before. Maybe fixing the amount of the seminal fluid would work? Sometimes my muscles tries to push out the semen and it feels like as if it is clogged down there…
So i don’t have a lot of info about medicine. Is there anyone who can help me with this? I want to understand and eliminate the unnecessary doubts in my head for proper adressing of the problem. Thanks!

I don’t have a lot to contribute other than telling you that my semen volume has fluxuated much over the years in terms of quality and volume while the orgasm intensity has remained weak to nonexistent the whole time. I have noticed they tend to be better late in the day compared to almost no feeling if I have one in the morning.

Edit: also want to add that it might be worth getting some blood work if you’re worried about semen volume and quality, I had pretty low FSH after quitting and I think that was probably contributing to that particular symptom.

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Any other information about it?

when our dopamine receptors damaged we are fucked forever. but how can finasteride do that ?

Why do you say that? I thought renew receptors can be created

yes thats right. but what you mean with damage ? when our dopamin receptors are silenced or something like that its worse than AR damage. because dopamin is the „go get it“ hormone. its so important

No one? Sometimes it feels like this forum is dead for centuries… or, i ask the wrong questions.
We have to circulate the information guys, cmon!

Clomid+Nolvadex fixed my ejaculations (load and force is like pre pfs) by raising FSH but not my orgasm feeling cause I’m positive my dopamine receptors are overexpressed just like the AR.

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Thanks for your answer. Are you still on those drugs? Is it really 100% back and you don’t use it anymore? And importantly, did it cure any other sexual problems like erection quality or morning woods?
Also, how much did you use? Thx.

Yes, 100% like pre pfs and I still use them. My other symptoms didnt change.

If I stop then my ejaculations would be weak again for sure. I use 50mg clomid and 40mg nolvadex currently. You could probably only take 25mg clomid and still have good results. I only take so much cause it raises Testosterone more.

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It’s interesting anyone that gets there orgasms back seem to boost testosterone and block estrogen, downside is this can kill you. My estrogen always test fine and I’m on trt, I wonder if there’s a way the test are wrong and I have more estrogen then I think circulating my body. I have lost 50 lbs and have considered surgery to get rid of breast tissue just so I can eliminate as much estrogen as possible.

Estradiol test is 26 it’s in the mid normal range. I’m taking trt with no estrogen blockers currently

What’s your exact doses for the week is it three clomid pills a week